View Full Version : Someone please make me see sense....please

25-03-13, 15:47
I've come off my meds because I want to try for another baby.

The reason I was on them was due to my son being born with lots of rare problems which have resulted in disabilities.

Well since tying for a baby I've become so scared of the horrible things that can harm your baby if you get them...the main one toxoplasmosis.

I am having a blood test to check for the antibodies in about 2 weeks cos I had an incident with cat poo about 2 weeks ago. I had a test 5 years ago and wasn't immune.

Anyway just now I was cleaning the laminate floor with a wipe, I was wearing gloves and I noticed a bit of mud on the floor, I wiped it up. Then after getting rid of gloves in the bin etc I began to doubt myself, thinking that the glove had a hole in or I somehow touched the mud and its contaminated with toxoplasmosis.

I am frantic

Please can someone help me see straight.

25-03-13, 16:17
This is how HA affects us - a thought takes hold and then snowballs. If you were wearing gloves (even if you weren't) there is such a slim chance of you catching anything in that scenario. Just wash your hands and observe normal hygiene and you will be fine. how many people do you know who have toxoplasmosis? its not that common I don't think. I'm sure the medical profession will do all they can to take care of you if you do get pregnant so try not to worry x

25-03-13, 17:02
You're over reacting but you know that.
It'll be ok :) you had gloves and used a wipe so pretty much no chance.

25-03-13, 17:19
You are fine hun. It's just mud. I'm a gardener and have my hands in the dirt all the time and have never caught anything. I've even touched cat and dog pop by accident - hard to avoid in my line of work. You can't catch something by merely touching it anyway. You'd have to have an open wound or ingest it and even then the risk is low. Wash your hands and think nothing more of it.

25-03-13, 19:47
Thank you for your replies

I have calmed down a lot now - I told my very supportive and understanding hubbie and he told me everything will be fine.

I sound mad but I'm not normally like this about this type of stuff - only when pregnancy is involved due to sons problems - but I'm determined not to let this beat me.

Again Thank You.xxxxx