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View Full Version : Really could do with advice on IBS/female worries please

25-03-13, 16:35
Hi everyone,

I've been doing so well over the last week and felt great. However, earlier I read an article on the daily mail website about a woman with OC and how the signs are so similar to IBS. Im now really worried my 'IBS' is OC :weep:. Someone commented on the article saying "women should get tested and be confirmed IBS instead of just taking words from the doctor".

I went to see my doctor about it a while back and he said my abdomen all feels soft and cant feel anything untoward and said it sounds like a bout of IBS. I have also had gynechologists check for other things on another worry I had- ive had a speclum and smear and he exmamined me and checked my womb was ok and all was fine. Ive not had any ovary tests which is why I am worried...

But various symptoms that are worrying me....

Gurgly stomach and passing wind regularly- more so in the evenings and after meals. For instance i had my lunch about 2 hours ago and now passing a bit of wind.

Ive had some pain in my right lower abdominal/ovary area which feels like a stitch or like ive twisted it. It seems to be more obvious when im moving about. Ive had it twice since christmas and has lasted for about 4-5 days.

Stools are most of the time solid but soft and can vary on how often I go. It can be once every 2 days or once every day...

Periods have been a little heavier and the last one came 2 weeks early.

I have been on Norgeston contraceptive pill for about 4 months so I have been putting the periods down to that. They didnt seem any heavier before this but not sure why it came early.

Any advice would be really hepful.... should I call my doctor?

25-03-13, 16:49
My best friend died from OC and it is a worry of mine as I have IBS and some of the symptoms are similar. The difference with IBS and OC is the bloating you get with IBS goes down and the bloating with OC doesn't and your tummy would feel harder. You could ask your doctor to do a blood test for your own peace of mind (I recently had one and it was fine).

25-03-13, 17:26
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. I do get bloating but it goes down and i feel slim and look skinner in the mornings. It is usually after my main meal at night. I did go to the GUM clinic when I had my previous issues and they did take some blood tests however they never said what they were for and I never thought to ask at the time.... they never called me so I assume all was ok. Ive also had other bloods done and all is ok.. not sure if the ones ive had were specific to OC.

Thank you. x

25-03-13, 17:35
It sounds to me like you have ibs. That is what I am like nice and slim on a morning and look like I am 9 months pregnant at night time!

purple to black
25-03-13, 20:52
I was just wondering the same thing. I have a fibroid but my gp still wants to do bloods as I always feel like I need to pee and I also have a real urgency to go to the toilet almost every morning and pelvic pain on the right side and also my back. The pain goes when im standing straight usually and irregular periods which are heavier. I have myself convinced there is something bad going on. I don't really have bloating though just the odd time at night and feeling full but thats probably because I eat too much im almost 6ft and just over 10.5 stone so I think I would notice continuous bloating.