View Full Version : In a really bad way and needing support...please

25-03-13, 17:59
Hi everyone,

I am an old poster...I havent posted for so long because I thought I had beaten ths and had been symptom free for a long time. Now things are bad.

About 6 weeks ago I went to a&e for something minor, and they did an ecg. Never had one before, but it was abnormal. They did another, also abnormal. I ended up spending the day on the ward having multiple tests, and eventually they found a hole in my heart. They say it has been there since birth but needs further investigation, and in the meantime to carry on as normal. I am waiting for tests right now.

I have not been able to carry on as normal. Since finding out, my breathing has been awful. I am over breathing, thinking about my breathing, and shallow breathing so I feel like I cant catch my breath. This causes tightness in my upper body and pains in my chest which make me fear for my heart.

I am also completely fuzzy in the head, feel like Im detached and dreaming, watching myself carry out tasks. I feel dizzy and lightheaded.

The worse thing is, I cant exercise. I am active normally but since finding out I have stopped, not because I physically cant but becuase Im too anxious. I tried so hard and pushed myself and then felt sick, couldnt breathe and thought I was having a heart attack. Now I feel so lazy and horrible. Even a brisk walk leaves me feeling like I cant catch my breath.

I have tried long hot baths and reassuring myself I am ok and ths is just anxiety. It isnt working and I feel really quite low and scared. I just dont really know what to do. Any advice?

25-03-13, 18:13
Sorry to hear that. Have they said what they can do for you and whether it's safe to exercise?

It is most likely anxiety that you're suffering from. I feel lazy when I'm anxious, just because it makes me feel sick and I just have no motivation for it.

Try keep up the walking if you can. Maybe listen to a audiobook or music while doing so, just to keep your mind occupied on something else.

Anyone who found that out would be on edge, so I'm not surprised you feel the way you do. Drink herbal tea to try an ease you, and do some exercises to help with your breathing. It's not nice to feel like that, so anything you can do to improve it is extremely useful.

It's so, so easy for me and others to say "relax, just take it easy" but it is hard, even when I have anxiety.

Do you know when you'll get the results back?

25-03-13, 18:37
Remember you only started feeling like this after you had the ecg, so it is the anxiety getting to you. Lots of people have heart abnormalities from birth and they are very manageable. You've been fine until now and there's no reason why you won't continue to be. I have a heart murmur and have been told its nothing to worry about. A friend has what it sounds like you have and the only thing she has to do is take anti biotics if she has any major dental work. The heart is very well understood and they can fix just about everything. You are in the best hands and they know what they're talking about when they say carry on as normal.

25-03-13, 18:54

british heart foundation link above have a join us/login in part where you can join there forums, message heart nurses and chat to people in the same situation as yourself. they are very happy to ansewer any questions you may have too.

I hope you minor injury is better and iam sorry for the way you found out. My grandad has heart problems so i know its a shock to the system. good luck and keep posting, if anything your worrys are better shared then bottling it up

30-03-13, 16:48
Thanks for the responses, sorry forma late reply. Ive just been so sad and feeling crap about sinking back into this.

They say I am ok to exercise, it is safe. It is a small hole and once the MRI scan confirms the details they will decide what to do. If it needs closing, it is a minor keyhole op.

It is the anxiety stopping me, nothing else. I am trying so so hard but this is beating me, my head aches from tension, I cant get a deep breath, I feel totally flighty and dreamy.

I am so so so cross with myself, so angry that this is getting to me. I was doing so well for so long and now I feel like Im back at square 1. I just want to cry!

30-03-13, 18:56
start slowly with exercise go for a short walk and build up, that way you are proving to yourself that i can still do it

30-03-13, 19:01
hello, i was rushed ionto hospital in nov last year, i thought i was having a heart attack. im only 39. they hooked me up to an ecg and again it came back abnormal, my heart beat is only 35 beats per minute, they done a further ecg and again it came back abnormal, they done other tests and said i have pericarditis,the sac around my heart is straggling my heart,but nothing to worry about,what im trying to say is,ecg coming back abnormal isnt uncommon, plus my daughter was born with a small hole in her heart and she is living her life as any normal person, she is now 16, hope this reassures you in any way.