View Full Version : Eek! Friend just called to say she is coming round...

25-03-13, 19:15
A friend whom I haven't seen in ages (since before I had my breakdown) has called out of the blue to say she's on her way round with wine! I haven't told most of friends about my problems and I'm not really that close to this person - we just used to go out drinking and having a laugh together. She's really nice and really fun but 1. I hate having people round and 2. I'll feel awful tomorrow after drinking.

I was totally caught unawares so didn't have time to make an excuse. I'm getting nervous already... why can't I just be my old self - someone who was relaxed about people turning up at my door and didn't stress out about having a glass of wine, even if it is a Monday. She'll probably get drunk and have to stay over. So tomorrow I'll have hangover anxiety and a guest, arrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! :ohmy:x

25-03-13, 19:20
You don't have to drink much, it's only a bottle. You can tell her you don't feel mch like drinking tonight. If you don't want to get drunk, don't. You will find once she's here you will have lots to talk about and catch up on and you will soon be distracted and hapy :)

25-03-13, 19:26
It'll be more than one bottle :) I should be happy that I still have a few friends after being so anti-social for so long! I might have to call her a taxi at the end of the night though, my mornings are a strictly choreographed routine x

25-03-13, 19:42
I'm sure she'd understand if you didn't want much...I'd be flustered if a friend came round with wine. I get flustered when dad comes home with bottles of beer. He loves to spend the evening with me as I don't get to see him in term time but sometimes I just don't want it. I stick to half a pint and drink it slowly. More for him that way so he's happy anyway :P

25-03-13, 20:03
Just say you're on meds and you can't drink alcohol! ;)

I'm sure your friend will be pleased to see you regardless. :)

26-03-13, 13:03
Thanks for your supportive messages. It went reasonably well although I was so tense my shoulders were up to my ears for most of the night! Had a very sore head this morning but it was worth it for a couple of hours of feeling a bit human again :) x