View Full Version : itchy mole

14-09-06, 21:55
my latest anxieties revolve around moles. I am trying not to hot foot it too the docs as i am trying to learn to give things time. I have a mole which i've had for years, no symptoms except a slight itch but as it is on my hairline its difficult to tell if its the mole or not. I want to give it a couple of weeks and if its still bothering me i will get it checked out but trying to forget about it in the mean time.
Does anyone else panic immediately?? Any advice of leaving things for a while?
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

14-09-06, 22:09
If it is itching then go and see the doc unless it has always itched like this?


16-09-06, 14:17
Yes if its itching and doesnt usually then a trip to the doc will put your mind at rest. My daughter had a large mole on her back which I became completely paranoid about, convinced it was changing etc but despite about 8 trips to the hospital to see consultants (at my request) they said it was never a danger and they only finally took it ioff this Thursday just gone (to get me off their backs I think) but I know how worrying they can be.

I think you will be fine but I would go to the doctor right away - dont waste 2 weeks saying 'what if?' . Just put your mind at rest right away. My dad also had a mole that was itching - went to the doctor and it was removed within a fortnight and checked out and was nothing to worry about. Never had any probs since. So worse case scenario it needs to come off then so be it you will be fine afterwards.

16-09-06, 16:45
i think you go to docs

[img=http://graphics.GlitterMaker.com/7/764/115833956247216.gif] (http://www.GlitterMaker.com/)

the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

16-09-06, 17:09
anxious, were you reading other posts on the forum that were mole related before you had the itch?
Becci x

16-09-06, 22:10
Thanks for your replies, its actually stopped itching now so i'll see what happens.
I had one cut off a couple of years ago and tested. It was ok but has grown back which puts me off anymore being removed.
My biggest problem is that i immediatley panic. I had been talking recently to a friend about moles Becci.

thanks anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects