View Full Version : reflux/stomach issues worse when anxiety is bad?

Nighttime pacer
25-03-13, 20:23
Hi all
I've had mild acid reflux for a while and am on omeprazole for it. I just wondered if anyone else has noticed their reflux is worse when their anxiety is bad. I may be imagining it but my acid reflux always seems worse if I'm really tired or if my health anxiety has been on overdrive.
I'm guessing there's a bit of chicken and egg if the anxiety is making the reflux worse and then the reflux getting worse is making the anxiety worse!
Thanks for reading this rambling post!
Hang in there everyone
Nighttime Pacer

25-03-13, 20:34
when my anxiety is playing up i get a churning stomach and acid reflux and i feel totally sick

25-03-13, 22:08
Anxiety will definitely have an effect on your reflux, I get the same thing. Stress and worry creates a lot of tension in your stomach and gut, so it's not unusual to have digestive problems. It can also raise the levels of acid in your stomach, with can have an effect for reflux sufferers like us.

My stomach is usually the first physical thing to start playing up when I've been through a period of stress, it always gets into a knot and I tend to get gastritis.

Just take some extra care of yourself, keep to a reflux diet while you're feeling bad and try to relax. Accept that it's just reflux, it's nothing harmful and you'll get through it, try not to make it worse by worrying about your symptoms.

NE21 worrier
12-09-13, 09:45
Sorry to bump an old thread but I noticed this as a similar thread at the bottom of the page on a thread which I have currently started. My stomach/digestive system is always the first thing to start playing up when I get anxious, and I get really bad acid reflux to the point of being sick.

@HoneyLove: What do you mean by a 'reflux diet'?


12-09-13, 12:28
Hi Peter - acid reflux is the term for when acid escapes from your stomach and comes up into your esophagus and throat, it can happen for many reasons and stress/anxiety is one cause. In my case I have a weakness at the lid of my stomach which makes it more likely to happen, but stress makes it a lot worse. Bad diet or eating habits are another big cause of it.

One of the best ways to manage it is to eat in a way that will stop too much reflux happening. It doesn't have to be a strict diet, which is fortunate, it's much easier than going gluten free for example!

A reflux diet involves avoiding eating acid forming foods like tomatoes, onions, garlic, sugary/processed foods, fatty foods, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, fizzy/sugary drinks, chocolate, mint, and citrus fruits including juices.

It doesn't mean that you have to avoid all these foods strictly, but just be aware that they will create extra acid and avoiding eating them too often or in large amounts.

It can also help to lose weight if you're overweight, avoid overeating, eat 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones, don't sit down straight after meals, and avoid tight clothing around your waist/stomach.

If you find your stomach plays up when you get anxious this is not unusual at all. It can be good to work on stress management and focus on muscle relaxation techniques. Try to do some form of relaxation for 20 minutes a day.

Hope that explains it for you a bit :)