View Full Version : Private Psychiatric Hospitals

25-03-13, 20:28
Hi all

Well Ive been talking to my Gp and my partner and my mum, and all 3 have suggested that I go to a clinic or a private psychiatric hospital where I can get the intensive help I need.

Every single day I obsess over being ill - I think I am dying. DVT, PE, Heart attack, Fatal heart rhythm, Compartment syndrome, Brain tumour, Stroke... all these things i have been CONVINCED I have had this week. Ive been to a+e 6 times over the past 2 weeks. It all started 18months ago when I had a small day op in my womb, but the surgeon tore my spleen without realising. I kept telling them I was in pain afterwards, and they dismissed it as 'wind'. I was internally bleeding, and was told that I might not make it. My daughter was 1 and a half at the time and I left a goodbye message to her as I thought I was going to die. I had an emergency major operation that night, 2 blood transfusions and was in intensive care. I was diagnosed with PTSD a month later as I was having crippling panic attacks and flashbacks. I had counselling for it, but was told after 21 sessions, that my allocated 'time' was up on the nhs.

I have had a huge relapse these past 4 weeks. I cant live like this. i need some intensive therapy.

Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences of private hospitals? I live in the North East but would be willing to go a couple of hours in any direction.


25-03-13, 20:50
Hi - Just a suggestion, but as a step to try before that, have you thought of intensive (several times a week) psychotherapy? There are therapists who offer this and it might provide you with the support you need without having to be an inpatient. It will be expensive, but I can't imagine it will be more expensive than being a private inpatient. If you're interested in that idea, I do know of a therapist up north who I'd recommend. He works in Leeds and York (in the NHS, but also sees people privately - I don't know where he does that or where he lives). Let me know if you'd like me to PM you his name etc.

25-03-13, 21:15
Yes please that would be.brilliant. Will take all the help I can get. My grandad recently passed.away and left my mum some money, she wants to pay for some intensive therapy and has said I just have to choose, but am so stuck. Many thanks.x

25-03-13, 21:26
Hi, sorry to hear about all you've been through. It sounds awful. If I had the money, psychotherapy would definitely be my therapy of choice too. I have had several different forms of therapy and some have helped but I don't feel I have ever got to the root of my anxiety. Perhaps this would help you to resolve some of the underlying issues as well as managing your anxiety. Also I have found hypnosis very helpful.

25-03-13, 21:34

Was I was really ill with depression,anxiety and at my wits end I was googling hospitals as with the NHS you are wasting your time and you have to be really bad worthwhile just send you home.

So I enquired at the priory private hospital try have them up and down the country.
In my area it was 4,500 a week to stay, you have your own room and they dont do long term. You get to see psychiatrist,get your meds included they have group therapy not sure if this is in the price! So when you come out every time you see the psych it's anything from 200 a time.
I wanted to go because all the stars go there and seem to get better. But it was to expensive for me,not just staying all the extras after. My sister wanted to pay for me, but I couldn't let her do that her husband had just did and it as his pension money for her and other family.

So sorry to hear what you have been through horrendous, he should b struck off. Xx


25-03-13, 21:39
Charlotte..I am getting intensive Psychotherapy on the NHS. We live in the same part of the country so maybe you could get it too?

25-03-13, 21:44
Charlotte, I've emailed you that therapist I mentioned. Good luck.

25-03-13, 23:24
Hey hun - I have done this really great online module that has helped me immensely with my health anxiety. It may not work for you, but you could at least give it a go http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through, it sounds really awful, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can get through this. Hugs xx

26-03-13, 08:25
Thankyou, all of you. will try to do more research. I need help NOW though, i recognize that :( x

26-03-13, 13:55
This is a link for Kings College London which is part of Maudsley hospital. They are the only centre in the UK that has an in patient service for anxiety sufferers. As you can see from the link they treat panic disorder, social anxiety and other specific phobias. They do take referrals from outside their catchment area if your GP makes a good case were you to ask him to refer you.


Might be worth looking into this and speaking to your Doctor.

Good luck and I hope you find suitable treatment ASAP