View Full Version : Hello from across the pond...

25-03-13, 21:41
My name is Dora and I have been coping with anxiety for about 5 years. It usually appears as a small (but manageable) panic attack that gives me an upset stomach, waves of nausea, and some palpitations. I can usually tell what sorts of situations will trigger an attack and am grateful that I can usually remove myself from the situation, or sometimes just letting a few minutes pass will alleviate the sense of danger or intensity I have.
I have a wonderful and supportive husband. I am in a government funded talk therapy session with someone I meet with about once a month. Half my family knows about my illness and half does not.

Last month my husband went on a vacation with his father for 4 days. Although I made plans to stay with other family members and try to keep busy, while he was gone I had pretty much a 4 day long panic attack with loss of appetite, intense fatigue, and nausea. As soon as he came home my physical symptoms seemed to subside within a day and I felt back to "normal."

Last week I started feeling nausea and having stomach pain and then anxiety seemed to take hold from there. Suddenly I couldn't tell what symptoms were purely physical and which were propelled by my anxiety. I had blood work done-all normal and an ultrasound-also normal. I present with no fever. I went through about 8 days with nausea, no desire to eat, and an overwhelming feeling of anxiety that seems to arc in waves. I have been feeling particularly anxious in the morning as I first wake up. It's like as soon as I open my eyes I am in the throes of an anxiety attack and it's such a horrible feeling. I am finding it difficult to have relaxing breaths in these moments, the anxiety seems to overpower me.

I have never, in my history with anxiety, had an attack that has lasted for this long or had one that reoccurs daily with no (identifiable) trigger.
My head is fighting me on the idea that it is something biologically "wrong"... meaning that doctors are missing something acute and serious. (Is that a common fear among anxiety sufferers out there?)

Has anyone else had experience with anxiety that has lasted this long with no break? Does anyone have any tips on how to combat an attack first thing in the morning?
Does anyone had similar symptoms? (Ie-that manifest in such a gastro-way)
I am trying to be hopeful and focus on the moments where it feels okay/manageable. I am trying to not burden my family or make them fearful for my well being. I want to believe that this episode will pass soon and that I will be restored to my normal.

The immediacy of the panic seems to have subsided. I ate (with hunger) yesterday and had two okay mornings where I could calm the anxious feeling with focused breath and a calming mantra.

But now, the fear of another attack as bad as last week is sweeping over me. I hate how the panic about the panic can take such a strong hold!

This has been so long and I am so grateful for any that took the time to read it.

25-03-13, 21:50
Hi :welcome: I have had anxiety attacks lasting for months before with little or no relief. I have discovered that if I get up on a morning as soon as I wake then I am not so bad. I get up make myself breakfast and have a shower then try to keep as busy as I can. x

25-03-13, 23:35
Glad to have you with us Dora.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.