View Full Version : Dr rang tonight.

25-03-13, 22:17
I had a brain ct scan on Friday because I asked my gp for one because of vertigo, pressure in side of my head, headaches, nausea etc. My gp rang tonight and said my ct scan showed lesions and I need an mri scan to get a clearer picture. He said it's not cancer and I haven't had a stroke. He can't refer me directly for an mri so referring me to a neurologist. I don't want to start googling and scare myself. I was shaking when I hot off the phone but my partner said if they thought it was serious they wouldn't have me hanging around waiting months to see a neurologist. I just now this is going to make me worse worrying and waiting now.

Carly Lou
25-03-13, 22:54
Hi Zippy.... Dr said not cancer or havent had a stroke... that in its self is great news. I know its hard to not stress... but he said its nothing sinister xxxx
I know virtual hugs arnt quite the same but im sending you one xxx

Carls xxx

---------- Post added at 22:54 ---------- Previous post was at 22:51 ----------

And your absoloutely right.... nooooo googling xxx

25-03-13, 22:54
Sorry to hear that Zippy, I know this will be hard for you to deal with. Listen to your husband and hold on to what he's saying to you, if you find yourself worrying bring yourself back to what he's said and do a little breathing to help yourself relax.

You're right to stay away from google, it always makes things worse and so far you've not got a diagnosis so don't start diagnosing yourself.

This will be a challenge for you to face but you are strong enough and it sounds like you've a good husband to help you along the way x

25-03-13, 23:50
That's good news you know it's not the dreaded cancer.
How long have you had these symptoms? and are they everyday?
I have pretty much exactly the same as you apart from the nasuea although I sometimes do feel nasueas for about 10mins randomly sometimes. Just thinking I should get an MRI done or something.

26-03-13, 07:57
I know it's so hard, but you just have to somehow put it all aside until you get more info. Try and give over responsibility to your doctor and try and get on as best you can. The worrying will just make you sick and your symptoms worse, so if you can just try and let it go, you will feel better in general. I know that's a big ask for an anxiety sufferer! Try to take it one day at a time. I have found this buddhist quote helpful when I'm anxious about the future: “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

26-03-13, 08:05
Rvp, I have these symptoms since the end of November.
You should maybe ask for a scan. Mine only sent me for one because I went on at him.

26-03-13, 08:22
Zippy, you must be upset, anything thats not 'normal' in someone with HA sends us into overdrive.

Its not the BAD things it couldve been, try to take comfort in that.

Did u have a ct with contrast?

Hope you feel a little better soon x

26-03-13, 08:29
No just a normal ct scan with no contrast.

26-03-13, 09:48
I thought all ct scans were done with Iodine?

With regards to lesions i wouldnt be so worried about them right now there obviously not tell tale lesions of any severe problem or the doctor wouldve had you in straight away. He is just covering all grounds. Lesions can be caused by so many different thingscovering Childhood fevers to migranes to a head accident to the more severe. The MRI is just a tool that is used for Lesions and can give more of an idea we have very very similar problems and i think your Doctor is doing the right thing completely as it will not only double check but also reassure ifthat they have checked everything.

Try not to let it stress you to much things will be ok

26-03-13, 09:59
I thought when I had one years ago I had an injection but I didn't this time.
I have had 2 mri's in the last 10 years and the last one was 4 years ago but they have always been clear. I am so worried because of all the symptoms I have had in the last 4 months. I don't feel myself at all.

26-03-13, 10:11
I know where your coming from i really dont feel myself right now but alot of this i promise is down to Anxiety yes there is something causing problems and that needs to be dealt with but the biggest thing that needs to be dealt with is the anxiety as that will have long standing affects on your body and takes its toll from the constant stress the body is being put under. Your symptoms to me dont sound neurological although im not a doctor but from speaking to ppl with certain health issues it doesnt follow the problems they have. It may be simple as when they do MRI you have some sort of infection that needs antibiotics or cthey could just be harmless lesions from before.

Do you suffer from migranes at all? Lesions is such a broad term i really would worry unless the MRI comes back with something. Its not cancer or a stroke so in some ways anything else is a plus for you at least your clear from them.

26-03-13, 10:30
I do have migraines a couple of times a year. I had one a few weeks before I woke up with vertigo etc.
I just wish I didn't have to wait months to see the neurologist and then wait for the scan.

26-03-13, 10:32
For me i would say the migranes are the reason behind the lesion or lesions and it wont be anything to worry to much about they will just look at locations of them to ensure there not in any locations which are worrying but please believe me when i say im sure they will be fine keep positive and in the mean time take control of your life we only have 1 shot at this thing i really hope you turn this around soon.

26-03-13, 10:41
Thanks jayred.
I am worrying about other symptoms too, I have constant nausea, extreme fatigue, loose bowels, no appetite and after I eat I need to burp and I keep getting a pain in the right side of my back and neck. Of course in my head it's some kind of big c that's spread.
My liver function was high but I had a scan of my liver, pancreas, gallbladder,spleen and kidneys and it was ok apart from a gallstone which isn't blocking anything etc.

26-03-13, 10:57

I have very similar problems we have discussed in the past that mine are very similar but what i would say is although im really scared of my own problems things like the burp bowels appetite all impacted by stress and anxiety that will make things like Acid reflux worse of if you have elevated liver enzymes. My liver enzymes where sky high which added to my worry but even during my worst days which im going through now in my head i still feel its anxiety i just need to solve that and then once that is solved if tehre are further problems then i can deal with them next anxiety is the biggest problem to deal with as who knows what solving that may also releave in other symptoms for us.

26-03-13, 11:01
I know I was told I had acid problems, gastritis and ibs after a endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy a few years ago and I have taken lansarozapole since. I know anxiety and worry causes people to produce more acid etc, it's a vicious circle.

26-03-13, 11:06
It really is you have anxiety you then have syptoms which increases your anxiety and you then dont know if its anxiety or a serious problem which in turn creates more anxiety and in turn causes more problems its horrible it really is but as humans we need to learn how to turn off the cycle and get our lifes back on track which we all can do its just a horrible hard journey

26-03-13, 11:24
I know I don't know what's with what anymore. Your mind convinces you anything, when my liver function came back high I worried about that and when the scan was clear I thought this pain etc must be my lungs or stomach. I keep bringing bright yellow/ orange bile up in the morning, unless my lansarozapole isn't strong enough anymore.

26-03-13, 13:07
Hi Zippy,

I agree with alot of what been said. If it was anything remotely serious they would have admitted you straight away.

I remember watching a programme not so long ago about brains and people who suffer from certain types of migraines have the same types of lesions and sometimes there is no explanation!

All the things you are now experiencing are anxiety. In the past I have made myself so ill through the worry of thinking I had a tumour or stroke. I thought it was all part of what was wrong with me but I'd got myself in such a state that my body was reacting! It really is a vicious circle as you say. I really hope you feel better soon and get the reassurance you need. Big hugs. xx

26-03-13, 13:36
That's the only thing I keep thinking if it looked serious they wouldnt hang around waiting for appointments for neurologists etc, well I hope they wouldn't anyway.
I just don't want to google because it will bring all the horror stories up.

26-03-13, 13:43
I know honey. It's alright for myself and others to say don't worry but if I were in your position I would be feeling exactly the same way..... and be tempted to Google.

Don't do it though. Everytime you feel the need, get up and go do something. If necessary, shut your laptop or put your phone away so you don't have easy access! xx

26-03-13, 14:33
I have lesions!!!!!!!!! They were picked up on mri 12 years ago and at that time they said they MIGHT be a sign I will develop MS but after repeat scans every 2 years and medical science advancing in the interpretation of mri scans they told me 3 years ago that alot of people have lesions on their brain that are not of any significance ( MS gives lesions in specific areas).

The mri scan will tell them all they need to know. I'm sorry I can't take the worry away because I know what it is like but you could be just like me and yes you have lesions but they are not of any significance.

Chase like mad for the neuro appt as they tend to have long waits if they think its not serious, as you have already had results hopefully they will see you quickly but don't leave it or you will just worry for longer.

If they won't see you for many many weeks then consider private referral if you can, An mri can be done privately for as little as £175 now. Cheaper than an ultrasound!

26-03-13, 14:55
I have had 2 mri's in the past, the last one was 4 yrs ago that we're clear.
Don't worry as soon as I get my referral letter I will be on the phone chasing it up.
My heads been horrendous for 4 months.

26-03-13, 15:06
Ah I appreciate you will be worried, I thought this was your first scan. Saying that I developed a cyst on my brainstem from one mri to another a year apart, I developed pulsitile tinnitus and they did the scan to rule out an abnormal blood vessel causing it, instead it showed this cyst in an area that is unoperable! that was close to my jugular artery and the sound of this artery is being conducted by the cyst through my skull to left ear:wacko:. I had a follow up scan 18 months later and nothing has changed and have to have another scan soon.
I hate that scanner and have been in it about 12 times in past 15 years because I keep getting things that need follow up scans grrrrrrr. Thankfully there is no radiation involved or they would have to have an exclusion zone around me.
So it still doesn't have to be anything nasty but I know you will still be a wreck as we all would be on here.
I have a friend who has HA and her husband is so laid back and he suddenly developed one dilated pupil in his eye which can be a sign of brain tumour, he had to have scan and thankfully nothing was found - she was a quivering wreck and he was well don't worry it might be fine. Oh I wish I was like that.

26-03-13, 15:13
I couldn't remember all my gp said because I was took aback. I couldn't remember if he said a few lesions or scars and he said something about shadows that show on ct scans that aren't clear so mri would be clearer. But he said its not cancer or I haven't had a stroke. I rang this morning but he's off so the secretary has left a message to ring me back tomorrow.
I don't want to google because I will pick up on the worst.

26-03-13, 15:20
Don't google because at this stage you do not know what to google. Once you have had mri thats different as you will know whats what. Hopefully nothing!
Good idea to speak to Dr again and write down main points so you don't forget them or twist them into something horrible as we do:blush:
Also ask him how soon you will be seen by neuro as he will know if he has put you on an urgent referral or not.

26-03-13, 15:42
Yes I will ask him. He's a nice doctor but he is Spanish so it's hard understanding everything he says. I just know he said not cancer or stroke. I know something's not right because the left side of my head feels like I have been hit with a hammer. My head feels heavy every day and my eyes feel tired and sometimes my left eye waters.

26-03-13, 16:30
Hello Zippy,

I have been having flashes in my vision for several weeks and last week I saw a neurologist.

After a consultation with him (we discussed my major anxiety problems in detail!) he said he was sure it was some kind of visual migraine. He then said it was up to me if I wanted to have a mri scan but he said that in his opinion and experience it may cause me more anxiety than not because 1 in 4 people will have something show up on the scan which is not serious but they just can not explain.

This is more than likely the result of your mri it is something which has shown up but isnt anything serious.

Hard I know, but try not to worry-you'll be fine:)