View Full Version : Ocd: Functional Impairment.

26-03-13, 01:07

I have had ocd since 2006.Its called Functional Impairment.Its a horrible version where it stops you doing anything to take care of yourself and your hygiene.For example,it stops you doing your everyday grooming routines(note:not rituals)like
brushing your teeth,
washing your self,
washing your hair,
trimming your fingernails & toenails
trimming your facial hair (around your ears and nostrils)
brushing your hair
putting on clean clothes everyday
washing clothes
putting on new clothes

Then there's the looking after yourself where you cant eat when your own,cant drink when you're on your own and you cant prepare food when you're on your own.Couldnt move things around.Couldnt throw out recyclables and rubbish.Couldnt clean out the fridge and freezer.

It stops you doing everyday things so you end up looking like a cave dweller.The pain from long nails breaking off is a real disaster.

I had the usual rituals.The things that ocd makes you do like straightening things up.

Over this last year I've been making progress.Big progress.Its been an ongoing progress.

I need to find others who have similar problems.I'm recovering from this ocd version.It had to go.Money well spent.If you can relate to any of these problems please reply.


26-03-13, 01:11
Hi, Yes it is certainly a constant struggle to keep on top of all the things you have mentioned.

26-03-13, 01:55
Hi LucyR.Its a nightmare.It had to go.Its not something you live with for life.Its had to go.


26-03-13, 02:25
Hi, Not sure what you mean by it had to go? Does that mean that you are now fully recovered and have no problems doing all the things you have previously struggled with?

26-03-13, 02:57
Hi, Not sure what you mean by it had to go? Does that mean that you are now fully recovered and have no problems doing all the things you have previously struggled with?


I'm almost recovered.Most of its gone including rituals.Its taken a long time but I got to this point.I can do most things now I couldnt do.Thats progress.The nice thing is that I wouldnt know what progress I was going to make next until I made new progress.

This form of ocd wasnt something you decide to life with.You dont keep it.You decide that its not something you keep so you get rid of it.Thats what I did.I found several practitioners.I kept trying different things then I found my current practitioner.


30-04-13, 12:49
Sorry for delayed reply but would still like to chat. I suffer from same but put it down to my severe depression not ocd...but also anxiety. Would like to hear about your treatment i am at my wits end trying to get the right help from my doctor!!

30-04-13, 22:22
Its okay.

What I did was tried practitioners who do various forms of muscle testing techniques.I have a chiropractor who does it.He's got rid of most of it.

I had tried Kinesiology but you need to find the ones who dont do a series of 26 exercises in their treatments.They dont solve anything.

The Chiropractic associations can help in your region to put you on to someone.

I never saw a Dr of medical training.I wanted a solution not a drug.

Regards Chris.

21-07-17, 02:22
Just dropped in to say hello.

Its interesting to come back here and see that post. A lot has happened since then.

In 2013 I stopped having treatments by the chiro at the time.In the meantime I found Acupressure for various ailments was helping me.As simple as rubbing pressure points,each one for at least 60 seconds works for me.Plenty of good books and websites showing diagrams for various ailments too.

Then I found a technique that I've been using ever since. Its called
"Faster E.F.T".Short for "Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations". I use it everyday.I notice that I'm making a little extra progress with OCD too.Any progress is good.I feel better and I do more so its less restricting than it was.

Please ignore the link in my first post.That group no longer exists.

---------- Post added at 10:51 ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 ----------

Hi, Not sure what you mean by it had to go? Does that mean that you are now fully recovered and have no problems doing all the things you have previously struggled with?

I had to find ways to get rid of it.

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

Sorry for delayed reply but would still like to chat. I suffer from same but put it down to my severe depression not ocd...but also anxiety. Would like to hear about your treatment i am at my wits end trying to get the right help from my doctor!!

If I can help please let me know.I'm still around.