View Full Version : i keep feeling things crawling on me

stevie boy
15-09-06, 00:16
i keep feeling things crawling on me when there is nothing there its ticking me off i feel things on me and when i look theres nothing there i duno what this is if anyone has any idea please let me know

stevie boy

15-09-06, 16:24
Hi Stevie,

In one of Claire Weekes books it mentions the feelings of ants or worms crawling under the skin. This is mentioned in her list of symptoms hope it helps.

Take Care


15-09-06, 17:03
Hi Steve,

I haven't had this symptom but from your last post you do seem to be under a lot of stress at the moment with all the changes going on in your life.

Hope your ok

Tara xx

Smile...it confuses people.

15-09-06, 23:00
Hi Stevie,
i've had this symptom alot in the past, i think it's something to do with your nerve endings - nothing at all to worry about though!!
I used to get this feeling on my head and was convinced that there was a bug or something crawling around!
I also get odd feelings on my feet sometimes like a drip of water! Very bizzare!!!
Hope this has helped you a little,

take care, kt

Fear makes the wolf look bigger!!

stevie boy
16-09-06, 01:09
thanks guys well its stoped a bit now so im hopeing it was just stress cos my cpn is signing me off his meantal heath team so i wont be under the meantal health team anymore is all going back to the doctors im singed off till futher notice but im just worrid that now im not with the meantal health team my doctor might make me go to work my cpn said im not ready to change or face my fears but im just worried what the doctor will do

stevie boy

16-09-06, 18:47
Hi Steve,

glad to hear that the feelings have subsided, stress can do funny things to us !!!

Lets hope you have an understanding doctor who will deal with your suituation and assign you with a new cpn.

Tara xx

Smile...it confuses people.

april tones
21-09-06, 00:36
I get this too!! x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com