View Full Version : Stomach Issues

26-03-13, 09:55

I have recently been for Liver tests that came back high on alt and high chelesterol. In the past i have always had stomach issues going back for many many years but since December time i seem to keep having a nausea feeling on and off and i also seem to be having alot more frequent stomach problems for the last week i keep waking up and having to use the toilet frequently all morning time. I have been eating alot of fibre of late infact id say most of my consumption is fibre to try solve this problem im just not sure what else i should do. Im still trying to work out if the Nausea is real or just anxiety and me thinking about it. I took a juice detox last week to try resolve the problem i have started eating again from Sunday and yesterday after lunch a few hours later i had really bad problems again with nausea more like food poisoning although it cleared after a couple of hours now im left with just the off feeling stomach and slight nausea. Could i be eating to healthy or what is wrong as its starting to kick my anxiety off again to how it was last year

26-03-13, 11:29
As you know I am similar to you with the high liver test etc, I go to the toilet more frequent in the morning and nausea etc. I have noticed after I eat my face feels hot and flushes up too.Somedays I don't feel as sick and I can eat and then the next day I don't want or fancy anything to eat.
Have you mentioned this to your gp? Did you have to get your bloods done again I remember you saying you were?

26-03-13, 11:40
I'm not a health expert but I don't think there's such a thing as eating too healthy. I do think you are confusing your digestive system with all the different things you are doing though. A juice detox will always mess with your system - you feel like crap before you start feeling better, that's the point. Now you've started eating solids again your tummy isn't used to it so having a reaction. Personally, I would continue to eat healthy but eat little and often. Hope you feel better soon. xx

Also - cut back on the fibre. Too much is as bad as too little!!

27-03-13, 10:13
I guess im just so confused i had got over my anxiety to a certain point now this is bringing it back and i dont have a clue if its anxiety or a legit problem im aware i have a liver problem but im scared they have missed something with the liver.

The sick feeling i have today feels like its coming from the throat. Im just a mess right now but have to put on a brave face daily so nobody notices thank you meche and zippy for your words i really appreciate it

27-03-13, 10:21
I know what you mean about putting on a brave face that's what I have to do daily too.
What's your gp said about your liver? Mines sending me to see a gastroenterologist. I keep getting a pain in the right side of my back and neck when I breath or burp.
Go and see your gp and tell him your still worried.