View Full Version : Post your vivid dreams here!!

26-03-13, 11:51
So as far as I'm aware, most of us here experience terrible vivid dreams. I know since starting SSRI's again, I have had some very surreal dreams!

I thought we could try and make light of the situation by posting some parts of our dreams!!

Last night was a strange one for me!! I was babysitting some young boy for a weird woman?! In the end he committed suicide in a horrible bloody way in my bedroom??! What on earth is up with that?! Then the other part of my dream that I remember is working in a Fried Chicken Shop. My boss happened to be an old boss I had in a call center I worked in!?

My brain can't decide what to have for breakfast some mornings so how and why on earth is it concocting these sorts of storylines in my head?!

Anyway! Rather than dwell on them, I thought I would make light of them and post them here and I would love to hear all your strange and wonderful dreams!

Steven x

26-03-13, 14:11
Last night I had a dream that I was in a classroom and a blind man came in and was reading people by shaking their hands and he was flirting with me. Then he was doing blind man comedy and tricks and he told me he'd show me things about his life and to hold his hands and close my eyes. I did. His life flashed before my eyes and I got this intense head rush. I stumbled back and tried to say what I saw but I couldn't really and then I woke up.

I don't take any medication and I have lots of vivid dreams and hypnopompic halluciantions every single morning. Lately the hallucinations have mostly been paranoia themed and disturbing. They're also recurring and I'll wake up 5 days in a row with Spongebob telling me (from the tv, yes with the tv talking to me) that it's the end of the world and I've been right all along and they're about to set the atomic bomb off. That sounded as bananas as I thought it might. I don't have any paranoia while I'm awake so I don't understand!

26-03-13, 14:16
yes - dont dwell on dreams; there is no point. they can be very thought provoking & elicit plenty of emotions & feelings but because they are random, its best to always take dreams 'with a pinch of salt'
when i'm on fluoxetine, my dreams are always quite vivid. they take all sorts of shapes & forms; there are real people in them & people I have known who died as well. so this can be spooky. oh i've dreamt about having babies (incredibly realistic with genuine feelings of pain as well...yuk ... especially as i have never wanted children; its always a relief when i realise the dreams are not real!). if i get any more i will post them.

glen hunt
26-03-13, 14:19
I have started dreaming more since coming off my meds (they were making me worse)

I had a dream I woke up and my ex-partner(separated wife) was lying next to me not breathing. There was no heart beat, she looked grey. It was incredibly realistic. I was actually sitting up in my bed when it faded and immediately had a panic attack.

Nightmares are a common thing for me and have been as long as I can recall. Sometimes I wake up hyperventilating (is that the right word?)

Danivsdani - I have had similar nuclear explosion dreams since I was quite young. I always put them down to me watching too much news.

26-03-13, 15:13
I do find them rather annoying as I find it harder to wake up in the mornings and I don't feel like I've had a proper nights sleep.

I've also found myself waking up whilst doing something like stood up turning my bedroom light on or getting dressed! Very strange!!

The good thing is that they are soon forgotten. It was very upsetting to see a boy commit suicide last night though! Working in a fried chicken shop was probably worse though hahahahaha

27-03-13, 06:32
OK as it happens I had a particularly vivid dream last night.

I was I a makeshift team made up of people I work with who had to play a game of rugby against a premiership team (I am pretty sure it was Northampton Saints.)

We had to travel to the game on the Underground and there were a lot of particularly long, particularly fast escalators.

Anyway as you can imagine I was obsessed with my concern that the unusual physical exertion would cause me to have a heart attack and this ran as a undercurrent throughout the dream.

Oddly though I can remember vividly long passages of the play in some detail.

We lost heavily.

13-04-13, 16:07
Bearing in mind I am really scared of spiders (don't even like typing or reading that word) I dreamt the other night that there was this massive (like 4 times the size of a tarantula) black and yellow one attacking me. Worse still the darned thing could FLY. Usually if I dream like that I end up waking. Before now I have been across the room in a sleepy panic, put the light on and then though "why am I out of bed" then it dawns on me what's happened. Luckily this time I stayed put but it was a very realistic dream.

13-04-13, 19:20
Last night I dreamed I was Kirsten Stewart (expressionless lead character in twilight) and I was being chased round a mountain by some old men.

23-04-13, 22:17
Been dreaming about spiders again(the things I hate most in the world). This time one was running about in our bedroom, it was big than your average one, had claws on its feet oh and it could drift in the air. It moved so fast that I just froze with fer and let it run across my legs. Yuk.

Last nite I dreamt I was in someone's house. It was a really weird old place in a city centre. It had all sorts of rooms, some with odd things in. There were two pianos which I played. A strange galley kitchen. Odd windows, sunken bits in the floors. Oh, then I needed the toilet but this place had the oddest toilet setup you have ever seen in your life, I couldn't go because I wasn't able to work out which receptacle was actually the toilet. Oh and they had a decorative black plastic toilet roll as well. Very odd. Very real too. Bits of the dream kept coming back to me during the day.

03-12-13, 21:54
Last nite I dreamt I was on a huge oil tanker ..... It was scary because I hate boats. Unbelievably real dream. The water lapping about. The noise if the engines. Glad when it ended.

04-12-13, 10:15
I dreamt that I was heavily pregnant and the heavy bump was hurting me. I felt the bump and there was a dent, like I was wearing a plastic/prosthetic pregnancy suit. Woke up feeling weirded out.