View Full Version : armpit/inner forearm/underarm pain

26-03-13, 12:23
Does anyone else experience armpit pain, or a pain which is hard to locate or identify and makes you question whether you're imagining it?!

I went to my GP with some breast pain in my right breast. He said he was 99% sure it wasn't anything to worry about, but he would refer me to the breast clinic 'to take a quick look' because it was only in one breast. During that exam, he pressed on my underarm area - just once, and half-heartedly - but it was enough to remind me of lymph nodes and the possibility of there being something there, as well.

I then had a HORRIBLE 2 week wait, during which I was SO anxious. A couple of days after seeing my GP, I began to think I could occasionally feel a twinge in my underarm area. I told myself it was probably the breast pain, radiating out to the underarm area as I'd read could happen. I was more focussed on the breast pain at this point.

At the breast clinic, they examined all my lymph nodes under arms & in collar bone. The doctor was happy with everything except he felt a 'slight thickening' on the outer side of that right breast. He didn't seem too concerned but wanted to be sure. I'm 34 and they don't send you for a mammogram here unless you're 35+, because young women have dense breast tissue which can obscure the results. (I was quite pleased about this at the time, because I didn't want the pain of a mammogram anyway - never had one and read some horror stories!).

So I got sent for an ultrasound on it, and during that ultrasound they did a thorough ultrasound of my armpit as well (probably spent about equal about of time on armpit and breast). They said it was all normal and I got sent home with a leaflet on cyclical breast pain and they told me to take Evening Primrose oil to see if that helps. (I pointed out it wasn't just happening before my period, but they said cyclical breast pain can happen at any point in the cycle, and can be affected by changing hormone levels over the cycle.)

Since that experience, I've felt much better about the breast pain - which has largely gone. I think I'd been making it sore by poking and examining it.

However the underarm pain has just gone on bugging me. It is not always in the same place and it is not constant - often I'm not aware of it at all. Then I will reach for something and feel a slight twinge deep in the armpit - this can be either the front 'pit hole' or the back one. When I'm in the gym running on the treadmill, with each fall of my right foot (same side), I feel a slight tingling in my upper arm - feels like a nerve pain - it sort of shoots up into my armpit from my upper arm. Sometimes it has seemed that the muscle behind my armpit is sore. This morning in the shower, I was washing myself and found a sore spot which was more on my side, beneath my armpit, I couldn't quite decide if it was in my breast or not - it was on the very edge of what I'd define as my breast!!

Generally it just feels like something's not right in that area, but it is really hard to identify what/where it is. When I get a twinge for moving in a particular way, I immediately repeat the movement to see if it will happen again - but it doesn't. So it's not even replicable. I can't see anything or feel any lumps. I can't go to the doctor and say 'when I do X, Y hurts'. Sometimes I wonder if the ultrasound itself didn't make my armpit feel weird, I mean it does send soundwaves through you, could that leave you feeling a bit tingly and weird??

I feel like I'm going crazy. It has now been about a month since my appt at the breast clinic - 6 wks since I first began to be aware of something.

If I go back to my GP, he could refer me back to the breast clinic - but those tests didn't find anything a month ago and probably won't now. The only other test I could have would be an MRI scan, but the waiting list for a non-urgent MRI is about 6-12 months on the NHS. I don't want to have a CT scan on my underarm/breast, because they are high in radiation. :unsure: From what I can fathom online, if it's not related to the lymph nodes, then it's highly likely not to be anything to worry about.

So at the moment, I'm just trying my best to forget about it and get on with my life. But this is soooooo difficult.

26-03-13, 12:52
It sounds like it could be muscular. I get the same thing in my right shoulder, collarbone and sometimes underarm. When I'm on the treadmill I also get an ache/tingling on the top of my right foot - it's fair to say that the right side of my body is alot tenser than my left and I probably need to see a physiotherapist!

Believe me, if you've been to the breast clinic and had all the tests done then you are fine. I know how that feels - I had scans/biopsies last year for a huge lump in my right boob and they know what they are looking for!

Carry on trying to forget about it - it will get easier! xx

26-03-13, 14:33
Ok, thanks. You just read these horror stories about people leaving things and not investigating them and then it's too late when it's found. Or doctors missing stuff. Makes it really hard to trust any reassurance given.

If it were muscular, shouldn't I be able to locate it and find a muscle which makes it hurt when moved?

26-03-13, 14:42
Not necessarily. Today I've got a slight ache/tingle in my right hand but at the same time my right shoulder and upper arm is very stiff and uncomfortable - it's all connected. I don't ever condone googling but if you do an engine search for 'Trigger Points' it will direct you to a website showing diagrams of how a pain in your back can affect your leg or a pain in your neck can cause head pain. It covers all body parts. I can always associate an ache or pain I'm having with a symptom somewhere else. xx

28-03-13, 20:59
I have had this exact pain before, and I went through getting an ultrasound done with a 6month recheck & it was ALL just fine...I do have muscular pain in that shoulder from time to time (right now as a matter of fact). But, I was told to take vitamin B for pain and to cut back on caffeine/chocolate/sugar durning the start of the pain...It was a weird "pain" that was very difficult to describe to anyone (almost like I was getting poked in my armpit constantly) & it was frustrating asking for help. I'm glad to hear another person experiencing it!

29-03-13, 05:37
i have this too ..pain in the armpit and breast really is a worrying thing i had my ultrasound and mammogram last month and everything is fine but still i have it everyday..at times its very uncomfortable like there is something stuck between my armpit and feels discomfort in my breast just dont know how to describe it,had all checked up just dont know what to do anymore..

29-03-13, 15:42
Thanks guys, that's reassuring. The armpit thing is much better now. Now I'm worried about chest pains… sigh… I have an ECG booked at the doctor's for next week. It seems never-ending….

26-02-15, 12:00
I have the same symptoms and I noticed that the pain is less when I avoid having my laptop on my lap in stead working at the table so my arm can rest.
As everyone says the pain moves...from upperarm outer side to back of shoulder,then armpit more breast side. I even felt a swelling of the breast muscle at some time..I've been avoiding the doctor 'cause I have the feeling they don't really listen and wave the problem away. Lately I have additional pain in the neck. Laying horizontal to watch tv results in a stiff and sore pain in the neck right under the scull. I just think I need more movement so I started to do some soft yoga movements when I wake up.. with a headache.. that helps to get rid of the headache too.
Just now I don't feel any pain at all, when sometimes they appear all at once..
It's a real mystery, but as I said I start to suspect my computer activities, holding my arm up the whole time (unconsciously), overloading the muscle in arm and shoulder, stretching out to the armpit...
so if you do a lot of surfing...try to rest your arms!