View Full Version : Anyone get twitching

26-03-13, 13:23
Does anyone get twitching in there head???

26-03-13, 14:36
I get twitching everywhere:) I don't think there is a part of my body that hasn't twitched. At the moment its my top lip and that feels very weird. I can get serious twitches in my leg muscles and even in my abdominal muscles ( like a baby kicking!).

What matters is how long it goes on for, if it stays in one area for more than 3-4 weeks then mention it to your Dr but I find mine will twitch on and off for 2-3 weeks then stop only for weeks or months later to come back somewhere else.

26-03-13, 15:12
All the time! Even now when my anxiety isn't an issue my eye will twitch for hours at a time. It comes and goes all over my body. xx

26-03-13, 16:06
Same here - eyelid twitches that go on for months at a time, leg muscle twitches that come and go and I've had tummy ones like country girl said, it's like a baby kicking. I now ignore them although the eyelid ones and annoying and I sometimes think other people can see them. Oh the joys of anxiety x

27-03-13, 14:05
Oh phew I'm glad it's not just me my eye lid has been twitching for couple weeks and now my top lip is too!! Feels well weird! What do we do to stop it and what causes it? Help x

27-03-13, 15:01
I don't think you can do anything to stop it. For me personally, mine started at the same time as my anxiety (non stop twitch for weeks) and eased off as my anxiety did. I mentioned it to my doctor and it's a condition called Blepharospasm. It's a really common symptom of anxiety and nervousness. It's a symptom that's never completely gone for me but doesn't cause me any problems. xx