View Full Version : Involutary shivers.

26-03-13, 14:21
I have had this symptom a few years ago. I will get days where I keep suddenly doing the "someone has walked over my grave shiver" which starts at back of head and goes down shoulder blades for a second. Its not that I am cold and my temp is normal. Its particulary bad in bed and before I have a bowel movement!!!

I know its the autonomous nervous system and wondered if anyone else gets this sudden shiver for no reason??

I thought I would ask here before asking Gp yet another question that he often cannot give a definitive answer.

10-04-13, 01:02
i know this is from a few days ago but i get excatly the same feeling and funny you should say about the toilet it always gets worse before i need to go i just put it down to anxiety i had it a month back and this particular symptom went away but now its back x

10-04-13, 01:38
Yep, me too. I've been having it a lot over the past year or so. IT makes me feel like I have flu and makes me anxious, but I'm sure it's just the anxiety itself.

10-04-13, 01:50
We all get these - nothing sinister about it at all

10-04-13, 03:19
I get those, not sure why but it just happens!