View Full Version : Anyone suffer from dry eyes

26-03-13, 14:45
This is my main complaint at the moment. They are becoming increasingly uncomfortable and it's beginning to worry me I am not on any meds or anything? Think I will go gp and ask for blood tests done to see if that shows anything? :-(

26-03-13, 14:58
Hey, my mum has this, its called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, she also suffers with a dry mouth but she has anemia so i (think) its all connected. Its not life threatening at all she just has these drops she puts in every night and seems to help. Sounds stupid but can you still cry ie do you produce tears?

26-03-13, 15:20
dry eyes are a real pain but not dangerous ... your eye simply starts to produce less tears. I've had this for a long while ... your optician can run simple tests such as a schirmers test or tear break up test that will tell them how bad it is ... no cure unfortunately... just use some preservative free eye drops to keep them moist ... I'm an expert on dry eyes if you want to chat!

26-03-13, 15:29
Yes me I use eye drops every night

26-03-13, 15:34
I have started with this problem over the last few months. Mine feel very dry and sometimes they sting and feel like they're burning. Think I will invest in some drops as its getting on my nerves now!

26-03-13, 15:55
jsut be careful with eye drops as those containing preservatives can irritate the eye... i'll dig out the name of the ones I use when I get home....very very good!

26-03-13, 16:06
Thanks I'll look out for that

26-03-13, 18:20
Hi I can produce tears but my optician says the glands in my eyes which produce the oil which lubricates the eye are backed up and blocked so I regularly do heat therapy on them and massage them at my last appt a couple weeks ago she said they were looking much better and the oil was being released and not so blocked I need to continue the heat therapy. To co inside with this I also have small tear production so not really great as some people over compensate with over production of tears and although if I were to cry/ peel an onion my eyes would water they don't water much the rest of the time. For some reason probs HA related I've started obsessing over it& not sure because I'm constantly thinking about it that they're feeling worse than ever. I use blink instant tears at the moment but sometimes if I use them too much they sting! I've googled and got paranoid that if I have it forever I will go blind or something. Plus I'm fed up of them feeling soar! Think the weather conditions and having the heating on lots can't be helping. :-( I have always had dry eyes so its not a new thing it's just I'm noticing it more of late am only 25 and keep reading its more common in the elderly? My optician wasn't conceded but for some reason I still am xx

26-03-13, 19:42
i have had dry eyes for years. really dont worry there is alot the you can do to help. there is alot of good eye drops for eyes. you can ask for a refferal to a eye department at your local hospital ( manchester eye hospital is great). mine was that bad i had lazor surgery and its really helped it. when it was bad i was putting in eyes drops every 30 mins. really dont worry as it can be sorted.

26-03-13, 20:48
Thank you Mrs nobody you have put my mind at ease a little I do have to put the eye drops in my eyes very regular some days and other days its not so noticeable! I will go GPs on Thursday and see if I can get a referral, I suppose at least I'm getting it seen too sooner than letting it bother me for years before speaking up. It does frustrate the hell outa me though xx

26-03-13, 21:01
Something simple, like drinking more water can help. You should be getting 2-3 litres a day.

27-03-13, 11:51
it is very frustrating but there is so much that can be due to solve this issue. if you need further info just let me know

27-03-13, 15:11
No more worries, Yes go to see your GP. My husband has somethig called Blepharitis.
He is in his 70s mind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does not have anything to do with his sight. It is treatable.
Not saying you have got it though. Just thought its best see your GP and get the right drops if needed.:) if you decide to see GP let us know how you go on.

27-03-13, 15:30
Yes magic that's the same as I have planning on going gp tomorrow to hopefully get some new drops sorted xx

25-09-18, 19:46
I know this is an old post, but I suffered w dry eyes last year, and it put me into panic mode. The eye dr didnt seem concerned at all.

I ended up putting castor oil drops in my eyes before bed each night for about 2 weeks, and it cured the issue. Be aware that the castor oil makes your eye sight blurry for a while (since it is oil), which is why I dont recommend putting it in in the day or morning.
If you're interested in trying this, you need to get organic hexane-free cold pressedkind. I used Heritage Store brand, which I bought on Amazon. You'll also need an eye dropper.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

26-09-18, 00:51
I have severe dry eyes too. I actually have a recurrent corneal erosion because of it. I use drops during the day and an ointment at night.

Do any of you see ghosting because of it? Sometimes whenever I look at white text against black (like subtitles) the letters look stretched to me.

Melon pony- thank you for the advice

26-09-18, 01:17
So, I have severe dry eyes (thanks to my apnea causing floppy eyelid syndrome, as well as my cpap mask now blow drying my eyes.....). For me, I was an uphill battle until I tried Refresh Optive MEGA-3; I had been using Retaine MGD, but the mega 3 works better for me.. WAY better.

Katniss - Yes, when my eyes get bad enough, I get blurriness and ghosting (double vision that persists when one eye is closed). If you close an eye and still see the stretched/double vision, it is likely dryness.