View Full Version : feeling sorry for myself, cold, chest infection and vomiting :(

26-03-13, 14:56
I had about one and half weeks of feeling well after tonsillitis and now I have a really bad cold and chest infection. I feel so congested that it is making me feel really sick and coughing so much that I have been sick a couple of times which I really hate :weep: This is making me feel really anxious again. Does anyone else get this with a cold and if so anything to help it?

26-03-13, 15:00
Annie i'm the same when i'm ill, i always end up getting a relapse. I try and tell myself that I am physically ill and not losing control of my anxiety again. Accept that illness makes your anxiety worse and that once you are feeling better you will continue along the path to recovery:hugs:

glen hunt
26-03-13, 15:03
I had this cold too. Thought I had shaken it off but it kicked up again in my throat and chest . It has made my panic much worse I .guess when the immune system is down everything else goes down with it. It will pass. Just hang in there. (hug)

26-03-13, 15:08
Thank you Glen and MelinaJane, I have just had a little cry as I am feeling so down. I just seem to pick myself up and something else comes along.

26-03-13, 15:13
Would you believe I actually came on her wondering if anyone had started a thread about a cold type illness that had set their anxiety off in a big way :blush:

I'm the same right now.

Started with a bad cold last weekend and it's all on my chest. I've been taking over the counter chesty cough medicine for a week now and it's loosened it a bit but it's still too bad. Throat is bad too.

I sound really hoarse all the time and was coughing my lungs up for about 5 days. The coughing-my-lungs-up bit of it has improved this last day or too but my chest is bad and my throat/voice are bad at the mo.

Doctor tomorrow to see if I can get something for it.

But the anxiety has gone mental. I have gone from osophagal (can't spell that) cancer to lung cancer to what if this never goes away to what if I am not strong enough to fight it?


I guess when you're ill with something like this it really gets you if you suffer from anxiety anyway.

26-03-13, 15:19
It is the feeling sick part that is worrying me so much with it. I know in reality it is just because I am so congested but it is really worrying me. I only had 3 hours sleep the last 2 nights too so that didn't help. I was wondering if I should take a diazepam but then will worry that I won't wake up and will choke in my sleep.

26-03-13, 15:38
You're having a rough couple of weeks Annie, sorry you've been so unwell :(

I get like this when I get sick too, even with something as simple as a cold, it really brings my mood down and I end up tearful and deeply unhappy/anxious.

My doctor said that when people with high stress levels (like all of us here who suffer with anxiety!) get sick, even if it's something simple, the extra stress that it adds to your body & mind can be enough to make you feel much worse than usual. She said the best thing that you can do is to try and reduce your stress levels so that you can handle being sick much better (and it will also mean that you get sick less often).

I find the worse part is literally just feeling physically unwell - my anxiety stems from really wanting to be better and stop feeling bad asap! I absolutely hate feeling uncomfortable in any way. Maybe it's the same for you?

So I realised that what I need to work on is just *accepting* being sick, learning to have patience, look after myself and learn to try and bring my mood up and make myself happy no matter what's happening or what state my body is in. Sometimes we just have a rough run of it, and the best thing that we can do is trust that our bodies are equipped to heal themselves, stop struggling, relax into it and just take the best care of ourselves that we can.

So take it easy, don't be hard on yourself but just accept where you are right now, maybe sit an watch a comedy film or tv show for a couple of hours to lighten your mood a little and get better soon ! xx

26-03-13, 15:40
Sorry to hear you're not well again Annie, you're having a bad time of it.

I find the best thing for congestion is sudafed liquid, it also helps to steam with some Vicks or something like that. I'm sure it is the coughing that made you sick. I've had this before when I've had a cough that wouldn't stop, it felt like i was choking me and made me gag. Ask the pharmacist for a suitable medicine for ths type of cough.

Get well soon :hugs:

26-03-13, 16:02
Thank you Honeylove, what you say makes sense, I do just hate being ill and it can be hard to accept. I have tried to eat a slice of toast and managed half of it.
Bernie, I can't take sudafed as it interacts with dosulipin. I have got vick's though and buttercup syrup. I wondered if the buttercup syrup could have caused the sickness? x

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:48 ----------

I think the fight in me has all gone now, I really can't cope any more :weep:

26-03-13, 16:02
I'm no medical expert Annie but from personal experience I think it's from the coughing. When you're coughing a lot it can effect your gag reflex. Also I feel nauseous when I have catarrh, I'm very squeamish and the taste of all that gunk in my throat makes feel sick and makes me gag when I cough. It's even worse wen it drips down your throat from the nose URGH!

I would have a steam as it will loosen the mucus so you can have a good blow. It's better out of your sinus system than in.

If you can't have sudafed I'm sure there's another decongestant you can have. I'm on Trazodone and it's says on the leaflet about taking decongestants with it. My partner asked the pharmacist and he said they had to list it as a drug interaction as decongestants with Trazodone can cause excess drowsiness. I was panicking thinking it would cause a nasty physical thing to happen

Oh Annie, just read the last bit you've added. You feel like this because your body has had a lot taken out of it with these physical illnesses. You also haven't had enough sleep which makes you feel worse mentally and physically. If you're really worried I'd ring your GP.

26-03-13, 16:08
Apparently it can be quite a serious interaction with Dosulipin :( I will get my steam thing out and try to clear it a bit.

26-03-13, 16:11
I hope it gives you some relief Annie. A hot steaming bath may help aswell xx

Also please try and eat more, as half a slice of toast isn't enough. What about some soup?

26-03-13, 16:18
I had a bath earlier and put some eucalyptus oil in it. I will try to eat some soup...it is just so hard to eat when congested. Thank you Bernie for your suggestions :) xx

26-03-13, 16:28
You're more than welcome xx

26-03-13, 16:35
Hi Annie,
Sorry to hear you are not well, I cannot suggest anything to what the other friends
have said. Maybe a bowl of water in your living rooms will help.
With the central heating makes the rooms have dry air.
Cannot explain it properly, but is surposed to help wth colds and coughs
so my hubby says. you may know this already anyway:hugs:

26-03-13, 16:37
Thank you Magic. I just wish we could have some decent weather. It is snowing here again today x

26-03-13, 16:38
Hi Annie,
Sorry to hear you are not well, I cannot suggest anything to what the other friends
have said. Maybe a bowl of water in your living rooms will help.
With the central heating makes the rooms have dry air.
Cannot explain it properly, but is surposed to help wth colds and coughs
so my hubby says. you may know this already anyway:hugs:

That's right Magic, my Dad has little bowls of water under radiators in house. He says gas central heating is too dry. In our family home we had open fires and when we moved we all got bad throats and headaches from the gas central heating.

26-03-13, 16:47
It's always difficult to know what to do with central heating - on the one hand when you're ill you want to be warm but then it causes stuffiness.

I'm in a similar position with decongestants - I can't take pretty much anything for colds/flu on the market because they all contain an ingredient that you can't have if you have Reynaud's Syndrome - which I do.

At the moment I'm stuck with olbas oil on tissues and in a bowl of steaming water.

Steaming should give a bit of relief though Annie....and it would be good to try keep occupied - even if it's just a film or something silly on telly. Probably good to stay up doing stuff as much as poss; if you sleep a lot in the day, it might make it harder to get proper sleep at night :(

26-03-13, 19:00
I am going to try chamomile tea to see if it soothes my stomach and will try the steam too. I haven't slept day or night. I really hope I can tonight. x

---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:55 ----------

I have managed to eat half a slice of bread and an egg yolk. I also had a few pieces of fruit. Really struggling to get food down :( Hubby is home and made me feel worse by saying I don't look well. I know I don't look well but hearing some one say it makes me feel worse :doh:

26-03-13, 19:28
I had this last week, I felt sick for 2 days and had a sore throat, but I wasn't sick and was able to eat normally, then the sickness feeling went and I was left with a cold. Hope you feel better soon!

26-03-13, 19:30
I had this last week, I felt sick for 2 days and had a sore throat, but I wasn't sick and was able to eat normally, then the sickness feeling went and I was left with a cold. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you. I think I could cope with the cold but it is the feeling and being sick that I am not coping with :weep:

26-03-13, 20:10
Oh Annie,what are we going to do with you.i have been out and brought a air purifier which holds water in the bottom which you can add perfume oils to it.i put 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil and leave it on all night and it seems to be helping after just 4 nights.ive also brought lavender oil which i shall try out in a few days.have you tried eating custard,angel delight,rice pudding,even porrage might help you get some food down you.keep wrapped up warm and try and get some rest in the day time.sending you loads of hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs xxx

26-03-13, 20:21
Annie I feel just like you, i have been coughing since Saturday afternoon, Sunday and yesterday I just coughed and coughed all day and night and it made me gag too. I had to go to a meeting and I do not know how I got through it. I have come home early today, I am not coughing so much but hurt everywhere from coughing and it is now turning into a cold, I am shivery and like you feeling right sorry for myself. Doc has given me some antibiotics for my chest, where I work it is one of our busiest weekends and i keep worrying that I am not going to feel better which is not helping.

Steam does help and vick too.

Janine xxx

26-03-13, 21:28
Please don't continue reading if you are emetophobic

I tried to go to sleep an hour ago and then started coughing again. I have just vomited for the last half an hour. I feel so ill :weep::weep: I really want to sleep but I can't because I start to cough again and now I am scared to be sick again :(

---------- Post added at 21:28 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

Jean that is a good idea, I will try that.
Janine I hope you feel better soon too but don't struggle to work if you are too ill :hugs:

26-03-13, 21:47
Oh dear that sounds awful Annie. Did the coughing make you sick?

I think you should ring the Doctors tomorrow


26-03-13, 21:53
Yes, I was coughing and couldn't breathe so hubby rubbed my back and then I started to be sick..at least I could breathe again. I am so worn out :(

26-03-13, 21:55
I think it sounds like you have a chest infection Annie. I'd ring the Doctor incase it's a bacterial infection as you'll need antibiotics.

Sorry you're feeling so ill xx

26-03-13, 21:56
My lil' army all want to make you feel better........ So sorry u r feline awful again..... Sending you healing warmth, hugs and best wishes.......

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

26-03-13, 21:57
I just finished taking antibiotics last week for my tonsillitis so I don't know if they will give me more.

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

Thank you Tessar :D My little kitties are here looking after me

26-03-13, 22:02
Goodo Annie. U tell 'em to behave. I did like your little video of them. I wanna give them a cuddle.

26-03-13, 22:04
They are gorgeous, bless them :D

26-03-13, 22:39
Annie, when i am congested and have a cough I try sleeping sitting up cause I think the congestion runs down the back iof my throat, irritating it and making me cough and then i cough so much i am sick.

Sleeping upright not very comfy but often stops the coughing for me. Lots of pillows behind me in a v shape. hope you get some sleep and feel better soon. xxx

27-03-13, 06:01
I hate the fact then when we have an anxiety disorder, any illness makes us feel worse. Because I rarely go anywhere or see anyone I never get a cold or illness, and being Diabetic I have the flu jab each year so dont suffer there either, I consider myself lucky, even tho I live like a hermit (well a bit) I think Id rather live like that than have a cold, I hate colds.

I hope you feel better soon Annie, do eat though, it will mend you quicker :hugs:

27-03-13, 12:12
Sunshine, I slept propped up with pillows last night, or should I say tried to sleep. The only hours I didn't see on the clock were 5 & 7. I am feeling a bit better today though, at least the sickness has gone. I have only eaten 3 rich tea biscuits so far but going to have some soup for lunch.
Dazza, I had the flu jab but seem to be getting everything going. I think it is because I have hardly been out anywhere this year so now I am starting to get out I am catching everything. My immune system is really low at the moment. :(

27-03-13, 12:22
Hi Annie

Mine has turned into a streaming cold this morning and I am feeling really miserable, last night I had just got off to sleep and then started to cough and like you I was heaving because of it, lets hope we feel better soon. xxx

27-03-13, 12:58
Oh Janine its awful isn't it? I hate not getting my sleep, I am not the best at getting a good nights sleep at any time. I have gone 3 nights now with a total of about 6 hours sleep. xx

27-03-13, 13:58
glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better; hope the soup goes down ok.

27-03-13, 14:01
Had the soup and had a nice soak in the bath and clean pj's on :D Really need to wash my hair but think I will leave it another day...I haven't got the energy. My ears are aching now :(

27-03-13, 14:29
Hi Annie, hope you feel better. I'm bogged down with a virus right now as well ... haven't really left the apartment at all. I'm supposed to see some friends tonight for dinner, don't know if I will make it or not.

A nice hot shower did help clear out some congestion though!

27-03-13, 14:30
It seems like we are all coming down with something :( I hope you feel better soon swgrl :hugs:

27-03-13, 15:21
Dear Annie,
Unfortunalelly in my experience most of the episodes i had had smth to do with health issues... i think the one of the first big ones after my babies were both very ill with the poisoning for months and i broke down with cold and later had a nerv break down.... Like this time i only felt a bit of a cold... and that was enough to be a cherry on the top. . I guess its only because we are weak when we are poorly and vulnerable and loose a bit of confidence as this is not in our control and we dont choose to be sick. I guess we have to accept that when we are sick anx, panic and depression can come. But it will be over. I remember all the time when i feel like that my mother in law - bless her sole she passed away 2.5 y ago. . I watched her for 10 y to suffer from COPD and when we were visiting i saw her starting her mornings. She felt very ill every morning shecouldnt breath well. She would get up with not a very happy face, drag herself around, stand in the kitchen look out of the window, cough allot....for few hours sometimes..i could see in hereyes how difficult it was for her she was on antidepressants as well... she felt very low at times. But later after her start up time she would go put her pretty clothes on, make up do her hair and start her day. I understsnd now at times it must have been very hard for her but she still would play her center of a big family role. She would be involved in everything and checking on everything and doing stuff. I admire her for that. We all must be having all this strength somewhere inside we only need to look for it...xxxxx

27-03-13, 15:32
Thumbelina I think we can all find the strength when we need to. My doctor commented that the time he has seem me at my best and confident and strong was when my husband was ill and I had to be strong to help him. xx

27-03-13, 15:51
Hope you will get well soon Annie, cant stand vomiting myself, just scary for me.((())))

27-03-13, 16:52
It is for me too...I am always scared I will choke. I have had an asthma attack this afternoon too :(

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

I feel so stupid now...I had another coughing fit and couldn't get my breath so I phoned 111 (NHS direct in our area) as I was so scared and on my own. She said I should have phoned 999 and sent an ambulance. By the time the ambulance came I was breathing okay again after taking my inhaler. I feel so bad as I think I have wasted their time. They checked my oxygen levels etc. and everything was fine.

27-03-13, 18:27
Annie it always feel worse when you are on your own and very frightening, you did the right thing, don't feel guilty that is what they are there for. Try and have a relaxing evening, I am not coughing so much today but my nose is like a tap. Like you I need a good nights sleep, hopefully we will both sleep tonight.

Big Hugs xxxx


27-03-13, 18:34
I really hope we do Janine, I really need some sleep. :hugs: xx

27-03-13, 18:35
Sorry you are feeling unwell Annie, don't think you have wasted the emergency services time, I have called them myself and felt guilty but it is their job to help people, whatever the circumstances. Hope you are feeling better soon. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxx

27-03-13, 18:37
Thank you Alma..it is just frightening when you are on your own and you feel like you can't breath. xxx

27-03-13, 18:40
I"m glad u r ok Annie. Lots of rest and NO housework!

27-03-13, 19:23
I haven't done any housework at all today :)

27-03-13, 19:28
I'm on my own and it is very scary when something affects your breathing. I started with a bad cold 2 weeks ago and was having uncontrollable coughing fits (with vomiting) and got so close to ringing 999 at times. Don't worry one bit about calling them out - it's what they're there for.

Hope you get some sleep tonight :hugs:

27-03-13, 19:31
I'm on my own and it is very scary when something affects your breathing. I started with a bad cold 2 weeks ago and was having uncontrollable coughing fits (with vomiting) and got so close to ringing 999 at times. Don't worry one bit about calling them out - it's what they're there for.

Hope you get some sleep tonight :hugs:

Thank you. It sounds like it is something that is going around. I hope it goes soon. :hugs:

28-03-13, 00:25
Annie how are you feeling, and what are you doing awake? :)

28-03-13, 00:30
Hi Debbi, I was trying to sleep and had another coughing fit so was scared to try to sleep again yet. I will calm myself down then try to sleep.

28-03-13, 00:46
Aww Annie, I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. You are going to be alright my friend. Stay calm, and try to get some rest. You need to get plenty of rest or you are not going to get better. Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

28-03-13, 09:46
Thank you Debbi. I managed 4 hours sleep last night so that is better than the night before. I don't seem to be coughing so much this morning but my chest muscles feel like I have in a boxing ring!

28-03-13, 10:15
hi Annie thank you for your reply to my post when you're feeling so bad yourself. Have you tried a putting your head over a bowl of steaming water with a towel over so you create your own steam room ? My Mam often gets chest infections and it's really quite scary when she has a coughing fit but this is one of the things that helps her.
Also, chicken soup is very healing and nutritious and most chinese take aways do it so you don't have to worry about cooking.

28-03-13, 10:32
Thank you Vicky, Yes I have an electric steam inhaler and I have been putting menthol crystals in. My hubby is working away this week and I asked him to get some chicken soup for me before he left but he said there was some in the cupboard...there wasn't :( He hadn't realised I had eaten it the week before! I am feeling much brighter today though.

28-03-13, 10:52
Good morning/afternoon Annie, I'm glad you got a little sleep, and that you are feeling a little better today. Hope today is much better for you. :hugs:

28-03-13, 10:54
It is for me too...I am always scared I will choke. I have had an asthma attack this afternoon too :(

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 15:53 ----------

I feel so stupid now...I had another coughing fit and couldn't get my breath so I phoned 111 (NHS direct in our area) as I was so scared and on my own. She said I should have phoned 999 and sent an ambulance. By the time the ambulance came I was breathing okay again after taking my inhaler. I feel so bad as I think I have wasted their time. They checked my oxygen levels etc. and everything was fine.

Sorry about that Annie.... hope yiu are better now...x

28-03-13, 11:04
Feeling much better today thanks :) xx

glen hunt
28-03-13, 11:17
:) Brilliant . Happy to hear that .

28-03-13, 11:31
Pleased to hear that. Take it easy for a few days though to give your immune system time to catch up :bighug1::bighug1:

28-03-13, 11:39
I am up and dressed today. Just tidying the house a little but keep needing to sit down ad rest, I feel so weak.

28-03-13, 14:44
Only very light duties today, Annie, and that's an order !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!

28-03-13, 14:58
Yes Mammy Tessar :roflmao:

28-03-13, 17:45
:ohmy:If you do as you are told then maybe, just maybe you will get an Easter Egg......:ohmy:

28-03-13, 17:49
Oh I promise I will do as I am told :D My windows need cleaning and I didn't do them :D

28-03-13, 18:38
Glad you are feeling a bit better Annie. :hugs: xxxx

28-03-13, 18:41
Thank you Alma xx

Granny Primark
28-03-13, 19:15
Glad your feeling better Annie.:hugs:
Forget about the windows il send me hubby round once hes cleaned mine:yesyes:

28-03-13, 19:18
Hi Annie I'm sorry that you have been feeling poorly. I have struggled with my breathing since Christmas and now take a tablet (singulair) to help with my breathing and a new dark purple inhaler. My breathing and peak flow have definitely improved. It does sound like you need to see the doctor. I had to fight a chest infection without antibiotics but was borderline for oral steroids. I know I own two cats which probably does not help. I have replaced my pillows and protectors and we are supposed to Hoover the mattress to cut down on dust mites. I know how frightening it is when your chest feels tight and you are unable to breathe. If you are coughing up green or yellow phlem then it is definitely an infection.the steam inhaler sounds good as does propping yourself up with several pillows. Try to breathe when you are having a coughing fit. I have told my husband if I am flapping my arms about and unable to speak then he is to dial 999.I hope you begin to feel better soon. EJ

28-03-13, 20:03
Lynn..I will leave the ladder out for your hubby :)

EJ, I haven't been coughing up anything, it is more of a dry, cough now but it is improving so that's good. I have a few ulcers in my mouth now which are sore. My neighbour was the same a few weeks ago so it must be something going about. It just affects me a bit more with having asthma (I have 2 cats too).

---------- Post added at 20:03 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

Okay...so I did well to get up and dressed today...my neighbour came over to see me tonight and while we were taking she said "Do you know your top is on inside out" :doh: I hope the delivery man who brought a parcel earlier didn't notice! :roflmao:

28-03-13, 20:07
Annie you are always giving good advice to people telling them to take it easy when they are not feeling well or have been to busy over a few days.
please donot take this the wrong way.


just be thankful you had a top on.lol

28-03-13, 20:10
I know what you mean Jean..I am my own worst enemy sometimes :) I have hardly been downstairs all week and when I came down I just thought about cleaning but I have only done the minimum and light work. I will take your advise and not do anything for the rest of the evening :) xxx

29-03-13, 03:32
Hope you are feeling better annie...

29-03-13, 08:57
How the devil is one this morning? Mt cat has just come to see how you are.... Can u hear her purring??

29-03-13, 14:10
I had a good nights sleep last night. Have woke up with a bit of a headache, I think it must be the noise from your cat Tessar. Hubby is not well now bless him but he has gone to make my breakfast. xx

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 ----------

I have even managed a trip to Sainsbury's today :D

29-03-13, 14:55
I had a good nights sleep last night. Have woke up with a bit of a headache, I think it must be the noise from your cat Tessar. Hubby is not well now bless him but he has gone to make my breakfast. xx

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 ----------

I have even managed a trip to Sainsbury's today :D
WOW annie that is a good start going out to Sainsbury,you most proberbly feel better after a good night sleep.surpising what a goodnight sleep does for you.give hubby a extra cuddle.have a good day.

30-03-13, 19:25
I think it must be the noise from your cat Tessar

Well, her purrs arent that loud, the way she thunders about the house anything is possible... You can here her from outside sometimes!

Haven't u done well managing a trip to Sainsbury's today? 10 out of 10 for that my friend.

If u keep up the good work for the rest if the day, which I believe you are doing, then you WILL qualify for an Easter egg!!!!!

30-03-13, 19:35
I really need and Easter egg :D I am panicking now about our trip to Liverpool next week. That will be my big challenge, first time away from home since last July :scared15:

30-03-13, 19:44
You can have an Easter egg..... U have my permission.
The trip is gonna be broil.,..... Noooo (predictive text again that should read "brill")
I can feel it in my water.......

30-03-13, 19:45
I was really excited about it until today when reality kicked in!

31-03-13, 16:50
Annie, since u have been a good girl, here is your......

31-03-13, 16:52
I want a real one!!! :( I guess I will just enjoy the virtual one :D

31-03-13, 16:55
Ok, I'll sort it.....promise.....

31-03-13, 17:23
I have just treated myself to a nice piece of Simnel cake instead :D I used to always make my own but cheated and bought one this year.

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:23 ----------

Tessar...Liverpool did good for you today :D

31-03-13, 17:41
Yeah well done the reds! Oh dear dear, disallowed goal for villa too but it WAS about 50 miles offside
Until recently I had never heard of simple cake!!!!! No you stuuupid bl@@dy predictive test I typed Simnel!!!!!!
I looked at a recipe & it would be pointless me eating it .... By the time I picked out the sultanas, currants, mixed spice & made sure there was no marzipan on top.....well I might as well forget it! All,that would be left is....glacé cherries & they'd be tainted by the mixed spice!!!!

31-03-13, 17:45
The glace cherries is the only bit my hubby wound't eat.

31-03-13, 17:58
You can send them to me

31-03-13, 18:06