View Full Version : hopey

26-03-13, 14:56
found this site last week.
Need some help please
On citalapram 20mg for 3 years. Gp did not want to increase doseage.
Gp stopped me taking "C" for for two days and then put me on Fluoextine 20mg
Since then have been feeling awful.
Yesterday and today even worse then I had been before.
Violent shaking in body and seems in Head!!!
Moody most unlike me.
Head still very woozy.
Get to wonder if I have anything else wrong with me.
Would really appreciate any suggestions please:confused:

26-03-13, 15:18
I'm no doctor but I would have thought that you would need to come off the citalopram slower and over a longer period of time. I came off citalopram to go on Mirtazapine but it was done slower. In the past I was on Venlafazine and I had similar withdrawal symptoms to you but I have not experienced the same with other tablets.

I'd go back to your doctor


26-03-13, 15:27
Thanks for reply. Went back to doctor he said could be 4 to 6 week before I feel benefit. But am just feeling so low at the moment. thanks anyway :weep:

07-03-14, 10:45
HI, I have been on fluoxetine 20mg now for 5 weeks and the side effects have been awful ,being anxious dizzy ,headaches feeling like my head is not my own but I have been told these are the side effects I can expect for a few weeks more the only thing keeping me going is reading this site and seeing people really do get through it , just at the moment I cannot see the end of the tunnel but hopefully the daylight will pop through soon ,I have been told fluoxetine is a slow medicine to work but when it kicks in its one of the best ,we just have to hope this is a fact that's true I really know what your going through I have been feeling worse than when I started but I have been told its the way it works so lets hope we can get through it together:unsure: