View Full Version : really scared over an abnormal liver levels

26-03-13, 15:29
my heomotoligist has been in touch with my gp asking for another blood test as my last one was showing an abnormal level for my liver im absolutley terrified now i got off the phone shaking and i really dont wanna burst into tears but im soo frightenend as i dont understand what this means. is it serious? ive since contacted my heomotoligist and asked to speak to him he has not rang me back yet...... i can feel my self hyperventalating now and im a nervous wreck! can anyone put my mind at rest xx

26-03-13, 15:34
Hey Jojo!

Nothing to worry about what so ever.

Every now and then, we get abnormal results. 99% of the time it means nothing!! It's happened to me a couple of times in the past. The liver is a fantastic organ that is capable of self healing. It's also very common for it to throw up slightly high or low results sometimes. Whatever you do, don't worry :) Just calm yourself down wait to hear what they have to say!

Don't dwell on it either. Don't go googling anything etc! Just watch some TV etc. I bet that everything is going to be OK :)

26-03-13, 15:36
why are you seeing a haematologist??? No one can give you an answer I am afraid on here but we can say we understand how you feel and will support you. It sounds as if you have other health issues as youa re already under the haemo???

It is perfectly possible to have raised liver enzymes for a million non serous reasons. Alot of drugs raise your enzymes for example anti fungal tablets, some people always have raised enzymes yet nothing is wrong. It also depends hugely on which enzymes are raised. Gallstones can give your raised enzymes as can anything to do with our pancreas the list really is endless.

I hope your haemo rings you back soon and explains in alot more detail.

26-03-13, 15:43
This happened to me a couple of months ago. I had bloods taken that showed high liver levels, so they said they needed to check them again. In the next blood test they had gone back down to normal, with no explination as to why they were high in the first place.

So yes this does happen, and it's best not to waste your energy on worrying right now as you haven't been diagnosed with anything, you've just had an unusual blood test. Don't automatically assume that it's a result of something bad, that will only make you panic.

For the moment just breathe and relax! I hope you feel a bit better soon x

26-03-13, 16:01
Ask them which specific reading is high as well.

I had this a few weeks ago, was asked to do a re-test and the levels had dropped so don't worry too much yet.

26-03-13, 16:02
This happened to me a few weeks ago,I haven't been feeling well and my gp did my bloods and my liver function was abnormal. My gp did further bloods for hepatitis and viruses which were ok and sent me for an ultrasound. They scanned my liver, pancreas, gallbladder,kidneys and spleen and everything was ok apart from a gallstone which I knew I had. My gp has referred me to a gastroenterologist to see what they say.
I know it's hard but try not to worry because they can go up for loads of reasons like medication, alcohol etc.

26-03-13, 16:17
thanks guys i have recently spoken to my heomotoligist and he says hes not overly concerned but if they come back abnormal for this lot of bloods he said id need an ultrasound i feel a little easier since i spoke to him its just the not knowing tho makes you worry x im not a drinker so it cant be alchol related but the drugs i take for my blood disorder are very strong and ive also just had a very bad chest infection which i had to take antibiotics and steroids for x

04-04-13, 17:48
well got the results back today and i have to have an ultrasound so guess what? im crying my eyes out im absolutley petrofied of what they will find, i dunno how long it takes to get an ultra sound sorted but the wait is gonna be terrible for me but ill let everyone know how i get on

04-04-13, 18:50
I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago for the same thing and everything was ok so my gp has sent me to a gastroenterologist who specialises in liver, stomach, bowel and pancreas. I go on the 17th.
It took me a couple of weeks to get my ultrasound.
I was like you worried sick but nothing showed on the scan only that I had a gallstone.
You will be fine.

04-04-13, 19:05
i'm pretty sure steriods affect the liver. I had raised bilibrubin after some treatment I had, was only temporary.


05-04-13, 18:28
im just taking one day at a time im trying not to worry but hey ho here we go on another panic journey into the unknown if its not one thing its another that ultrasound cant come fast enough for me xxxxx

02-05-13, 09:34
well guys got the results of the ultrasound back and i have a fatty liver which they dont seem too concerned about they will be keeping an eye on it and have told me to loose some weight xx

Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 10:40
I had an ultra sound not too long ago and they found that I had a fatty liver. My GP said that the liver can repair itself, so if I lose weight it should get better.