View Full Version : Post tooth extraction :(

26-03-13, 16:07
Wondered if anyone could give their story on tooth extractioni had my left 1st molar out 5 days ago it was a difficult extraction taking over three quarters of an hour :(((( ... I did everything they said no straws no smoking no spitting etc ... I got the blood clot and it then went the whitish colour no nasty taste or smell so think the socket is ok.. It's just the adjacent teeth and the gum that are so so sore I dread eating or drinking anything I can control it with 600mg ibuprofen and cocodamol 30/500 . An I being impatient? My jaw is very small and being a grinder I have slight TMJ so my dentist tells me so obviously my jaw is still aching like mad as well!!!!
God I hate teeth and my already fear of the dentist has just gone up 10 fold!!!
Any advise or self stories would be much appreciated good or bad!!!!!

Oh and just to add I had the same tooth out on the opposite side 10 years ago and did get dry socket with that as it was in my smoking days and smoked as soon as icamr out the dentist but the smell and taste with that was horrific and not like this at all

26-03-13, 16:11
I had one taken out and they had to drill at some of the surrounding bone to get it out so maybe the same happened with you. I think it took mine a few weeks for the pain to go as it obviously caused trauma to the surrounding area. I would say 5 days is early days and it will take longer. :hugs: x

26-03-13, 16:27
Yes they had to drill mine out :( they had to break the tooth into pieces as well :( ... I think I'm properly having a panicky day today ... To top it off I caught a lovely head cold from the kids which I'm just getting over also ... Did the inside of your mouth feel swollen and like you don't really know where to put your tongue anymore haha

26-03-13, 16:36
It did and I could only manage soup for a few days and could only eat it with a teaspoon as I could hardly open my mouth.