View Full Version : Some advice?

26-03-13, 16:39
Hi everyone, I just want to say I'm really glad that I found this forum. Just reading posts from people who feel the same way that you do is a help in itself.
I'd just like to ask for some advice really. I visited my Doctor with symptoms of depression about 6 months ago and was eventually put on 20mg of Fluoxetine. I stuck with them and noticed a real improvement in myself after about 2 months - I was interested in things, felt more motivated etc.
Although suddenly since the last month or so I have been feeling down again. More so than ever I feel as though I don't know what to do with myself - nothing seems to satisfy me or keep my attenion and it's so frustrating. I just feel really unsettled.
Some of the other feelings have returned too, everything seems like a huge hassle, I'm having difficulty sleeping, I don't feel like socialising and facing people.
I'm also finding that I keep making really silly mistakes with things and seem slower than usual, have difficulty concentrating etc - I don't know if that's the tablets or the depression causing that.

I am due to see my Doctor next week for my next prescription of Fluoxetine & will tell her how I am feeling, but it seems such a let-down that the last time I went I was going on about how much better I felt & how pleased I was with the tablets.:doh:

I was just wondering if anyone else has found themselves in a similar situation where you think you're on the road to recovery & then...not?

Also, what could the Doctor suggest, perhaps increasing the dosage of tablets etc?

Thanks for any help. Best wishes to you all. :) x

27-03-13, 20:37
hey, welcome to forum :)

I can understand that pattern, happened to me a lot and still does, although now i'm on no medication but i was for 11 years. During that time i'd have happy periods and positive periods and then all of a sudden...whooosh!!! straight back down, feeling crap and feeling like an idiot because i felt the exact opposite of what i told the therapist only a week before!

So i can empathise with the way you feel.

Best thing is to have a chat with GP and see what he/she recommends in relation to medication. Meds i feel are okay, they can help and do help many people, but so can talking therapies, and its talking therapies that have helped most with my low moods. Are you going to see a counsellor or anybody?

Dave x

03-08-13, 07:04
In this case your GP can help you. Although you can contact with any counsellor. May be the best counselling can make any improve.