View Full Version : Health anxiety spreads to other things

26-03-13, 21:04
I now find that I worry obsessively about other people health as well as my own. I also worry about things I would never normally think twice about, for instance the car breaking down (it's newish), our house having asbestos and me slowly being killed by it, Carbon Monoxide poisoning etc. Does anyone else have this?? Thank you

26-03-13, 21:11
Yep, me! My health anxiety has taken a back seat lately and has been overtaken by obsessive worries a out my son. He is almost two and I worry obsessively about him having autism. I have worried about this for almost a year intensively now and seen two health professionals neither of who are concerned about him. Everyone he comes into contact with believes his development is fine but I am tortured every day with these irrational worries.
In addition to this I also worry more about things like money and staying safe when I am driving. I imagine worst case scenarios about all sorts of things and I also dwell on morbid thoughts. It sucks tbh and I hope things improve soon. I was diagnosed with GAD and depression as well as health anxiety so I think it is normal for these things to go hand in hand.

26-03-13, 21:13
I do, I worry about everyone and everything! From plane crashes to illnesses, I have also been diagnosed with GAD and HA

26-03-13, 21:18
Yeah. It's generalised anxiety. It happens to me too although my focus tends to shift. So I obsessively worry over one item, skin cancer, throat cancer, heart issues and maybe move onto non-health matters. Did I break the speed limit just then? What if I've caused an accident and didn't know it? What if the security guard thinks I am shoplifting just because I didn't buy anything?

26-03-13, 21:36
thanks guys, in hindsight the things we worry about are amusing

26-03-13, 21:48
Yes me, like if I hear a bump when driving ill get in my head I've run something over. I was going to Make a thread about this too

26-03-13, 22:21
I don't know what to do, I feel like i'm seriously ill, i'm just wasting money on tests. The stress is crazy, i get scared of that alone. MANNN im so angry. I just want to be back to my old self.

26-03-13, 23:16
:D me too all of the above, worry about something for a week then wake up one day and think how silly was I have a little giggle to myself then am smiling on the other side of my face when Mr. A (Anxiety) taps me on the shoulder and says well you don't think you have that but you MIGHT have this then the cloud comes back over me ..... it's a very self consumed problem I actually feel guilty for worrying about ME so much.........I worry about everyone and everything in my life for weeks on end and then it stops and its great but always comes back never ending story... :ohmy: hope you can all have some stress free time..........we some how have to tell ourselves its good to feel like this and say worry makes one happy we would be ok then..

27-03-13, 00:37
For me the health anxiety spreads into a fear of contagion. Like catching a cold or flu, touching hand rails on public transport, hospital or dentist equipment not being sterilised properly, that kind of thing. Kind of OCD really!

15-05-13, 10:19
I have this problem with asbestos, and it has gotten really out of hand. Unfortunately, I think about it constantly. I worry about other environmental contaminants as well. But for some reason, those fears pale in comparison to my fear of asbestos.

15-05-13, 16:18
Wow, I identify with all these things. I have obsessed before before going on a road trip and sometimes think I should plan as if I'm not coming back. I stress where to put my kids carseats in the car so if we get hit "x" spot nobody will be there. Anxiety is everywhere.