View Full Version : Went to the doctors today

26-03-13, 22:52
Hey everyone, I went to the doctors today again to talk about being really depressed, She's given me Antidepressants and sleeping tablets to help me sleep at night. I hope they help :'( just feel so alone at minute. I get these pains in my lower tummy and struggling to eat as well anyone else get like this? Thanks for taking your time to read this.

26-03-13, 23:07
hiya,what medication did the doc give you,dont take the medication on empty stomach otherwise you will get tummy pains x

26-03-13, 23:09
Hey Bukeroo Fluoxetine 20mg and ok I took my first 1 this evening after I had my dinner x

26-03-13, 23:10
You are certainly not alone here :hugs:

That was a big step you took today, well done. I hope the meds help you, remember they take a little while to kick in. Just eat little and often if you can hun, you need to keep your strength up. I wish you the best of luck.

Kitti :)

26-03-13, 23:12
Thanks Kitti, Yeah they said it will take a week or 2 to kick in and will do hun, I was really nervous today to top it of the doctor was running late :/

26-03-13, 23:15
don't forget the meds take a few weeks to kick in, loneliness happens to us all one time or another,there are so many people on here that are supportive,ive only been on here around 2 weeks and find it quite helpful. do you have your family around you. thats an important step to get out of depression, xx

26-03-13, 23:18
Yeah I do have my family around me and yeah i know that just hope they help. I have been having a tuff time at minute split up with my bf last weekend so really upset that, I have no friends :'( just feel I don't belong here anymore. Been having thoughts of self harming myself :/ xx

26-03-13, 23:29
pointless thing to do hun,trust me.give the medication 2-3 weeks to kick in and see how you feel after that,what would self harm really achieve.we all know its hard splitting up with a partner but time is a healer. i think the best thing to do is either talk to your mum in private or go back to your docs and ask if he can refer you to see someone you can talk to, it really does help.or keep chatting on here to people who are very supportive. xx :-)