15-09-06, 23:02
can anyone relate to this, my anxiety seems to come and go in phases but i can tell when it is about to kick in i get so uptight and impatient even stuck at traffic lights causes me anxiety, i am then always in a total rush to do everything even small daily tasks can cause me anxiety and stress. Diy jobs become a nightmare i have to finish them as quickly as possible and totally perfect.

Ihave just started an NVQ at work and i have a year to complete this, but already i am anxious and panicking about whether i will complete it in time. it seems. the anxiety on one hand is totally unrealistic but on the other it is very real and very disturbing and upsetting. Does anyone else suffer this way. i really do give myself a hard time and never any pats on the back, i have completed about 90 per cent of my first module and i am still anxious, yet i know of people who have not started theirs yet.

appreciate any advice anyone may have on this. thank you and take care.


15-09-06, 23:21
Hi Dave,

I understand what you mean, its like your brain goes into over drive.

Im good at giving myself a hard time also, i think the key is to relax more, but easier said than done!
If i have something on my mind, i have to sort it out there and then, even if it could wait until tommorrow.
We have to learn like you say to give ourselves a pat on the back instead of punishing ourselves all the time.

I will give you a pat on the back for doing your coursework Dave! You have done real well!



16-09-06, 08:13
Thanx for the support andrea, much appreciated.
take care .


Granny Primark
16-09-06, 09:30
Hi dave,
I so relate to what you say about always being in a rush.
I had my first panic attack last year whilst stuck in traffic lights and getting anxious about a community care call that i was going to cus i was running late due to heavy traffic.
I think the thing we have to say to ourselves is if we cant change things then why worry? Easier said than done tho when we are feeling so totally stressed.
I have done a couple of NVQs whilst i was working and there is more to it than most people realise. Working full time, bringing up a family and doing the amount of course work thats involved is stressful as well as rewarding.
But try to find time find to chill and also feel proud of yourself for what youve done.

Take care

16-09-06, 09:39
HI Lynn, thanx for the reply you very kind.


16-09-06, 11:59
Hi Dave,

Yes, I'm exactly the same too.

I've been known, when stuck in traffic and on my own, to start shrieking at the top of my voice [:O]

When I think about it afterwards, I feel dead silly [:I]

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

18-09-06, 11:45
Hi Dave

I think what you describe is probably common to all anxiety sufferers, not enough time to do something and must be perfect.
I run my own graphic design and print business and battle with this quite often, where if in my eyes if a design job was not perfect I would get stressed etc and work and work, spending far too much time on one job.
I have now for the sake of my own health, I decided to accept that every job I do cannot be a work of art, as long as the customer is happy, then that is good enough.
Difficult I know.
Good luck

18-09-06, 11:46
Hi Dave

I think what you describe is probably common to all anxiety sufferers, not enough time to do something and must be perfect.
I run my own graphic design and print business and battle with this quite often, where if in my eyes if a design job was not perfect I would get stressed etc and work and work, spending far too much time on one job.
I have now for the sake of my own health, I decided to accept that every job I do cannot be a work of art, as long as the customer is happy, then that is good enough.
Difficult I know.
Good luck

18-09-06, 14:59

Adrenalin makes us ' go' faster and with anxious people that translates into all aspects of your life, you speed up in person and in thoughts .. Pace yourself and force yourself to do things steadily and methodically rather than grasping as it al at once and not doing anything fully at once.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

18-09-06, 21:07
Thanx for taking time out to reply. i appreciate it very much.
