View Full Version : dvt fear coming true. I cant go on...

27-03-13, 08:05
IAs some of u know I was having sharp pains up my arm after a nasty blood test 2 weeks ago where she stabbed me in the middle of my forearm vein as she.couldnt find a nicer vein. She let it bleed for ages after while she found some.gauze to press down on it, and I got a bad bruise which followed the vein.

I was so worried and I started getting chest pains so on monday went to a+e. They did anither d dimer blood test for clots and it was negative.

Now I feel like the boy who cried wolf.

Last night my arm really, really was hurting. Then as I was tidying up, my little girl hurt herself in the other room so I ran in. On the way in to her, I bashed the same.arm just above my elbow off the door handle really hard. I didnt thibk much of it.

Well I barely slept last night. My arm was feeling sore and bruised all over it, and what was worse was the extreme pins and needles in my little finger and ring finger and hand. I couldnt get rid of it for hours. This morning its bruised a bit above where I hit it(above elbow) and ive measured both arms and the right one is about half an inch bigger.

I dont know what to do. I will try and see my gp today but know he cant do anything teating wise, and if I go to a+e again they will be horrible (they said I need to control my HA and better judge when to go there last time which is upsetting but true).

I know something is wrong. Am so scared.

Charlotte x
a b

---------- Post added at 08:05 ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 ----------

Ps: I forgot to say I dont know if this is from me bashing my arm last night or from the blood test whixh was the original pain.... But then id had a d dimer test on monday which said no clots...would one dwvekop since monday??? So confused x

27-03-13, 08:15
That is a horrible thing to say to you. Did they tell you how you're supposed to judge when to go? I'm sure it's just sore from you bashing it though. Bashing your elbow area can really really hurt especially if it's all bruised and tender. Is there a health line you can call to talk to someone?

27-03-13, 08:26
I know. He was a junior dr but was there with a pile of my previous attendances and said I should try and be a better judge. I said I was so sorry but what I feel is REAL and as I almost died 18mnths ago from a doctors mistake, I find it very scary.

The place I hit my arm is about 2cms above my elbow. Its got a slight black bruise. Im so scared that in the 2 days since I had the d dimer test, ive developed a dvt in the arm...
I just dont know how to feel.


27-03-13, 08:39
Is there a help line you can ring to discuss your symptoms? Then they can tell you whether to head to a and e or not. If they don't think it's necessary then you should trust them that you're okay.

27-03-13, 08:50
Are you right handed? your dominant arm is usually slightly bigger as there is more muscle on it than your non dominant arm, so the fact that it is slightly bigger doesn't mean anything bad. If you had developed a clot from the blood test then you would have had a positive d dimer test so you can be sure that it's just a bruise. That said the doctor was very insensitive, maybe he was having a bad night but it's very upsetting for you especially given your history with doctors.
As Lilharry says maybe you can ring NHS direct and discuss your fear with them, but I'm sure that you are fine and that you just have a couple of nasty bruises.

27-03-13, 11:16
Yes, why don't you call NHS Direct and speak to them?

27-03-13, 11:33
If you bashed your elbow area then there is a specific nerve that runs down to your hand and this can go totally numb or have pins and needles. some people have woken up with numb arm and thought they had had a stroke and it was just pressure on this specific nerve. i would imagine you banged this nerve onthe door handle. It can take a few days to get better.

I had a bad blood test last year where the Dr burst the vein and I had huge lump with massive bruising lasting 3 weeks and my arm ached all that time.

These things are just what we don't want happening to us when we have HA!!

If you had dvt in your arm it would get swollen and red ( not bruised..

27-03-13, 11:39
Charlotte, I'm sure you don't have a DVT. I think you should maybe be speaking to your doc about your HA more than your arm x

PS, I just read your post about what happened with your op and I guess it's understandable you have HA but you really need to try to overcome it for your own sake. How are things going with the psychiatrist? x