View Full Version : itchy scalp - candida?

27-03-13, 08:41

so I've been diagnosed as having vaginal Candida Glabrata which is a rarer form of thrush that is resistant to normal treatment. I'm waiting to see my gyno again next week (yes I've been stuck with this for several weeks waiting for an appointment :weep:) and he is looking into what is best to treat this as canesten is useless, I've already tried that and it did nothing.

Anyway this last week I've developed a very itchy scalp and am worried that the candida has spread to my scalp. I don't even know if this is possible as I'm not allowed to google. But I'm worried about systemic candidiasis which I read can be fatal - though I think that was only in immunosuppressed patients but can't really remember - can't google it which is probably just as well. So I'm terrified that this candida is spreading through me while I'm waiting to see my gyno next week on wednesday for treatment. I've been taking probiotics since I took the antibiotics that caused the thrush I've had it about six weeks now :weep: been trying to get rid of it and then had to wait for an appointment for a swab then had to wait for results and then had to wait for an appointment for treatment. It feels like forever, I'm just so scared that it's running rampant through my body.

27-03-13, 09:29
I'm sorry, I don't know much about it, but I really don't think you should worry - thrush is very common and I've never heard of it becoming serious, so I imagine that would be very rare. Good luck with your appointment. I'm sure your gyno will look after you and get it sorted.

28-03-13, 03:51
Thank you, I hope it can all be sorted OK. I went to see my doc about my scalp today and he has given me some cortisone lotion to put on it, he says it looks irritated but he doesn't think it's fungal so hopefully it's not the thrush, but he can't be sure. I have to go back in a week if the lotion doesn't work.