View Full Version : I went to see the doctor, but am I worrying unnecessarily?

27-03-13, 12:45
I made a post about my head and dizziness/lightheaded feeling I was suffering with for around a 5/6 days now. I went to the doctor this morning and he couldn't tell if anything was wrong.

I told him I hadn't been suffering with anxiety a long time, which is untrue, as I've actually been really anxious/stressed recently. I wanted to see if he thought it was anything other than anxiety, as I know if i would have said I was getting anxious, he would have put it straight down to that.

He checked my ears and told me that there was a lot of earwax, and he said my blood pressure was a little bit high. Apart from that, there wasn't a whole lot he thought it could be. He said it could just be a head cold due to the cold weather, but to give it a week and go back if it gets progressively worse.

I still seem to be worrying about it. I don't feel like I am going to fall over or anything like that, it's just an unbalanced feeling in my head. I also have quite dry eyes which make my vision irritating at times.

Is this all down to anxiety?

I don't feel like working out at all. I want to work out, but I worry that it'll make the feeling in my head worse. I worked out the other day and I actually felt a little bit better, but I don't know what to do.

I am not going to ask a doctor to send me for a scan, because it's expensive and my symptoms aren't that bad.

Any thoughts on this? Am I worrying too much? I'm not sleeping that well at the moment either, which makes me feel groggy and irritated.

Sorry for another post, guys. I just really wanted some advice from others who have anxiety/hypochondria.

27-03-13, 13:42
Not sleeping well can definitely make you feel light-headed and spacey. And so can anxiety. And anxiety combined with not sleeping well is pretty exhausting…

Cat lady
27-03-13, 13:43
Sounds like anxiety and stress related. I'm going through the same, try deep breathing a relaxing bath, massaging your temples, relaxing music, scents etc. xx

27-03-13, 16:05
thanks for the replies. I really do think it's anxiety, but you're right, the lack of sleep doesn't help the situation.

I am just a terrible hypochondriac :blush: and sometimes overreact when i have a particular symptom.