View Full Version : Lesions?

27-03-13, 14:19
I am freaking out about my gp ringing me about my ct scan.
He said there were lesions or shadows on my brain ct scan and I need to see a neurologist and have an mri.
I have had m.e/ cfs for 12 years but I am thinking could it be m.s I have had all along? I have had 2 brain mri's and brain ct scan in the past that we're ok so I am hoping if it had been m.s it would have showed before now.
I have been getting left sided headaches, pressure in head and cheek,tired eyes, watery left eye, vertigo and dizziness etc since november and have heard that migraines can cause lesions. But I don't think a migraine would last 4 months.

27-03-13, 16:10
C'mon, be positive. Don't stress yourself out further on whether it could be something like you mentioned. I know it's nervy waiting on results, but try to calm down as much as possible. I know it's easy to say, especially as I myself am a massive worrier, but all you can do is think positive. 4 months is a long time, I would have expected your symptoms to have got a lot worse over 4 months, even over 1 or 2 months.

Just wait until you hear from your doctor. When will the doctor call you?

27-03-13, 16:27
Hi Zippy,

This time last year I had all the symptoms you describe but on the right side of my head. Numerous doctor visits later, I was never referred for a scan and I have never asked for one. Those symptoms lasted for months but gradually eased. Even today, I occassionally get pressure and headaches in the same spot which can last for days.

I agree with Dynamito. If it was a neuro nasty it would get progressively worse over a period of time. There is such a thing as chronic migraine syndrome which can cause lesions. I know you're worried honey, I would be too but just wait and see what the doctor says. They are the experts and really know what they're talking about. xx

27-03-13, 17:12
I have just been to see my gp and I am worried even more. He said I had 3 shadows/ lesions but the radiologist doesn't think it's cancer and you can get lesions with strokes but they don't think it's that. He said they have a few ideas what it could be but won't commit until I see the neurologist and get an mri. He said the neurologist might do more bloods for antibodies and I may have to have a lumbar puncture. So I know they are thinking m.s.
I said something else to worry about and he said I wouldn't worry too much ha, alright for him to say. I asked if migraines could cause them and he said no.
I just know its going to be something bad because I feel so ill and different.

27-03-13, 17:33
I think from your conversation with Gp that no one can tell you not to worry and it will be nothing, no one knows yet BUT it may not be as bad as you think. Even if worst case scenario its MS or some other neuro disease, there are always huge variations in how someone is affected. I know 4 people with mS alone and one of them you cannot tell. One has good and bad times and one gets progressively worse but all of them have a good quality of life. I have another friend with very rare neuro disease that makes walking difficult but she has a full life and is happy.

Its no use me saying don't worry, you wouldnt be human if you didn't worry after your GP conversation but worrying to the level you are will only add huge number of worry symptoms to the ones you have already got.
Whatvere it is there may be some drug or treatment that makes you feel a huge amount better etc etc

I wish I could wave a magic wand for you and all the tests are over and the news is not what you fear.

27-03-13, 18:05
I am trying so hard not to google but I don't think I could feel any worse if i did.
I am so tired and not myself at all. I am imagining myself in a wheelchair getting cared for by my kids etc. I am not meant to be happy and healthy. I used to be fit, healthy and worked as a post woman walking miles a day until 12 yrs ago and I got ill and was told I had m.e. it's just hard trying to be positive.

27-03-13, 20:30
If it makes you feel better I have a friend who has lesions on her brain but she has no disease, they can't find anything wrong with her. Keep your head up!!

27-03-13, 22:02
please dont google, i on his hard as i find it hard not to but it wont help.

27-03-13, 22:22
I also have a friend who had lesions show up on an MRI. After extensive testing including a lumbar puncture they could find no reason for it and simply concluded that it was perhaps slightly more likely although by no means certain, that he would develop MS in the future. He is totally for and healthy several years later. I also know two people who have had MS for many, many years and suffer with the ocassional flare up but generally lead normal lives. I know that none of us with anxiety would feel calm either in your position so it is pointless telling you not to worry but try not to fear the worst as there are many more positive alternatives.

27-03-13, 22:51
Oh Zippy I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this, it must be very worrying and as you know I'm having problems at the moment too and am super worried. When is your appointment with the neurologist? Gosh, it's so hard to keep positive, but at least they are on to it now and the testing is underway. One way or another they will find out what it is and then you can either stop worrying or start getting treatment to make you feel better. The worst part for me has been having doctors just dismiss me and tell me there's nothing wrong without even testing me for anything, so at least you know you are being taken seriously. Chin up hun, things will get better and you are in good hands xx

28-03-13, 00:58
Zippy what you are doing is catastrophising - a common trait in people with anxiety and depression. It basically means imagining the worst. It would make you feel a lot better if you could find a way to rein this in. As other people have pointed out, neither lesions nor MS are the end of the world. Please try to forget about the wheelchair business. My husband was diagnosed with MS 14 years ago. His only physical symptoms are bladder problems and the odd muscle spasm. Even they haven't worsened with time and he has never, ever had problems with walking, driving, writing, any of that. The lesions could be nothing. I suppose they could be MS but no amount of worrying is going to make that worse or better. In fact, stress can sometimes make MS symptoms worse. I know you probably aren't listening but if you read what I and other people have said, even if you do have MS it's not necessarily so bad x

28-03-13, 08:11
Thanks for replies.
I know it's not the end of the world if it's ms but I just don't want to have anything wrong but then again who does.
My sister in law has ms and was diagnosed about 14 yrs ago and nobody would know, she works full time, goes on holiday and has no problems at all.
Is there medication for ms or not?

28-03-13, 09:24
I believe there is medication that can help keep you in remission as well as treat symptoms. There are also lots of things you can do with diet etc that can help. Some people don't need to take anything because they're symptoms aren't bad enough.

28-03-13, 10:09
I just feel so ill and I have since November. Apart from my head symptoms I have a pain in my back that radiates into my neck and now down by my right ovary hurts if I cough, walk or go to the toilet.
I keep thinking its not lesions and it's tumours and they have spread.
Waiting to see a gastroenterologist, immunologist and now a neurologist.

28-03-13, 10:14
Gosh zippy - I have felt sick since November also and I also get pain in my right ovary - which hurts when I do the same things! Does yours hurt all the time or just at certain times of the month? I get it for about 2 weeks when I ovulate. The doctor told me it was probably a cyst and if I wanted to I could pay to have an ultra sound. I'm not that worried about it to be honest, more worried about my pancreas! Don't worry, they won't be tumors and they haven't spread. I think you and I just have a lot of different problems going on at the same time.

Re the back/neck pain - have you tried massage? I get terrible pains in my back, but have started going for a monthly massage that really helps. It's from all the tension you carry when you're anxious. A good massage does wonders for anxiety. I had the best night sleep I've had in a very long time after I had it. You need to do some nice things for yourself like bubble baths and burning incense or aromatherapy - just so you can switch off for a bit. It's hard work carrying all this weight on your shoulder all the time. You deserve to feel good sometimes too. xx

28-03-13, 10:27
It's just started hurting this week and across the bottom of my back. I had it a few years ago in my left and I had an ultrasound and I had a cyst which had gone when I got rescanned a few weeks later.
I have a pain near my gallbladder that hurts when I breath, burp etc that radiates into my back and neck but I have had my liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and gallbladder scanned and there's nothing apart from a 2 mm gallstone.