View Full Version : Arguments - Felt I solely had had enough

16-09-06, 12:05
Last night was probably the worse scenario that I could have experienced. Major argument wiith husband and I said I had had enough and took my car keys with the sole intention of ending it.

I am tired of feeling this way, feeling stressed out over things that normally do not have that effect. I hate feeling unreal 24/7 and I get angry with my husband for not understanding how it feels.

What am I suppposed to do? Had my first session with therapist and I was ready to run by the end. 50 mins talking solely about me was a long time.

Does or has anyone felt this way that enough is enough and you cant take the pressure/anxiety etc any more?

Take care of yourselves.

Love Fran XX

16-09-06, 12:35
Hi fran,

Im sorry to hear you are not feeling too good at the moment, i can understand truely how you are feeling. I could have wrote that myself a few years ago, but things do get better, i promise you that. I have lost count of how many times i have got the car keys and decided to call it a day. When you have anxiety 24/7 it truley drains you especially when you feel no one understands, i used to think that no therapist ,counciller etc could help me get better, how wrong i was !
Im pleased you have had your first therapist session, the first session is for the therapist to get to know you, im sure it will get easier.
It makes it harder when you feel your husband dosnt understand, my husband was the same, would it be possible for you to take your husband to one of the sessions with you? I took my husband with me and it changed his views and he helped me alot more.

Dont feel like your on your own Fran ! We are all here to help,

If you need a chat PM me anytime !!

Look after yourself my friend



16-09-06, 12:37
But you didn't end it which is obviously good!!! What type of therapy are you on? Maybe it isn't right for you.

16-09-06, 16:21
living with anxiety is hard and draining and no one understands cos they cant see anything wrong with you,

[img=http://graphics.GlitterMaker.com/7/764/115833956247216.gif] (http://www.GlitterMaker.com/)

the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

17-09-06, 16:58
Thaqnks for all your replies to my post.

I have come to a conclusion that too many glasses of wine precipitates anxiety and my thoughts go far deeper.

My aim is to cut back on alcohol as I know that I (a) I dont like it and (b) it is far from a good coping mechanism.

For some reason the lead up to the weekend gets me really anxious. Perhaps it is because there is relatively little to do ie no structure. I dont know exactly why but I think I need to talk it over with my therapist as to why weekends really get me on edge and snappy.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Love Fran XX

17-09-06, 18:01

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-09-06, 14:28

You are so right about the alcohol and its a proven anxiety trigger too so do try to keep off it.

Weekends are often a let down , we expect them to be filled with great activities but often that involves more pressure and fear for anxiety ridden people as you wonder whether you can manage what is being planned as well as the lack of usual stucture and often a lot of sitting about with time to dwell and think about ourselves and how we feel..

You take care


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

18-09-06, 19:23
hi fran,
i sympathise with you as my hubby is so ignorant to depression/anxiety, he has actually told me that its all in my head. so as you can imagine with him and a 13 and 15 year old who i pretend that everything is fine and make excuses as to why we dont go here and there anymore, and a mum and dad who dont understand, i dont think anyone does who hasnt had it, i wouldnt want them to either.
weekends are tough for me too, i put it down to the change in my routine, ive noticed since ive had this that i dont like change anymore at all.
take care fran

we are all stronger people after having this

19-09-06, 09:04
Thanks to everyone for your replies. I am not feeling that great at this moment - the icing on the cake is I have acquired a heavy cold and cough which makes sleep difficult.

I do feel amongst friends here and know we all share a lot of symptoms. I guess I would find it difficult if it were my husband suffering.

I will post later but right now I feel really unwell.

Take care of yourselves.

Love Fran XX

19-09-06, 11:03
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))

Hope you feel better soon Fran,

Take Care,

Luv Kaz xxx