View Full Version : :( FED UP

Australia bounds
27-03-13, 20:02
Really not been feeling good recently feel like I'm trapped in a massive hole I can't get myself out of, feel tired and unwell and i keep getting told its anxiety but I just can't believe it :( absolutely certain there's something wrong with my brain and health. I'm on propranolol 40mg one a day and really am not feeling it help at all. Feeling really dizzy like I'm going to fall down constantly and blurry and really strange vision sometimes, I don't know what else to do anymore I'm really worried and feel alone :( really need advice or at least a reply please help :(

27-03-13, 20:18
These do all seem like symptoms of anxiety. If you don't feel your medication is working maybe you should go back to discuss it with your gp. Anxiety symptoms can be really scary but the important thing to remember is they can't harm you. Try to find things to do to help you relax. Someone posted this website earlier today and I found it very relaxing calm.com

Australia bounds
27-03-13, 20:23
Thanks for the reply! Other I've went from having chest pains and really bad panic attacks that literally froze my full body but I don't get these anymore! I've had all sorts of different symptoms some of them
Are really scary, like the vision one is strange feels like everything's enhanced I know that sounds strange! Also the dizziness is very scary it's like the floor is moving under my feet and I'm going to collapse, had anxiety for about 2 years now, well so everyone else keeps telling me :(

27-03-13, 20:30
Have you had any sort of therapy ?

Australia bounds
27-03-13, 20:34
No none

27-03-13, 20:41
Maybe you should ask your doctor to refer you. It has certainly helped me.

Australia bounds
27-03-13, 20:44
How bad was your anxiety if you don't mind me asking and what do you think triggered it ?

27-03-13, 20:51
My anxiety was at its worst 10 years ago when I lost my best friend to Ovarian cancer. She was 45. I had high anxiety for about 1 year and panic attacks and was not able to work for most of that year. I improved with medication and CBT but often had little 'blips' for a few weeks were I was really anxious again and crying all the time. I had an anxiety free year until last June when I fell off a ladder while decorating and fractured 2 metatarsals and dislocated a toe and ligament damage. I couldn't walk fo about 6 months and was in cast for 3 months. I didn't go out much and it was slow healing. This triggered my anxiety really bad again. I am now having intense psychotherapy to help me and I am improving again.

Australia bounds
27-03-13, 20:55
The main thing is your improving :) I hope I can one day! Thanks a lot for your advice! Genuinely does make me feel that but better

27-03-13, 20:55
You will improve :) :hugs: