View Full Version : testicular cancer/ache?

27-03-13, 20:28

I keep getting a random achy pain down below, usually around my right testicle, it comes and goes, lasts usually a couple of minutes and then goes away again, but comes and goes numerous times a day. it seems to be more noticeable after i've urniated and when i've been sat down and stuff with my legs crossed.

I'm not sure if i'm imagining the pain because yesterday i didn't feel it all day until the evening, ( i was busy doing stuff) and the other day i thought about it for a moment and then noticed it, but then sometimes it comes when i don't think about it :/

It doesn't seem larger than normal, everything is working fine in both areas, no blood, no pain when i hold them or squeeze them, no problem going or anything, its just i get this achy pain and i'm becoming really obsessed by it, i keep checking it over and over again, and i know its the worst thing i can do but the longer it lasts the more convinced i am i have cancer.

I was checking for about 10minutes earlier, i couldn't find any lump but i know i was searching for a lump, i eventually found something but i'm not sure if it was a vein. I know there is a part called the epidiymus which feels like a lump, but its not that. I've had the fear of testicular cancer many times and have been checked many times, but its the weird ache i get, it can't be normal and i'm getting really freaked out.

I seem to be down the doctor almost every week with one thing or another and i'm scared if i keep going back they aren't going to take me seriously, miss something and then that'll be it :(

has anybody else had this weird achy pain thing? i've had it about 4 or 5 days, i'm trying to think if i pulled myself down their whilst at work, which would have been about 4 or 5 days ago but i can't remember. i'm trying to be rational and relaxed, but the longer it lasts the more anxious i'm getting.



27-03-13, 20:45
Hey, if it's just pain and not larger than your other testicle that's only a good sign.

For the pain, do you cycle or anything excercise? I sometimes get achey testicle when I cycle without padded shorts which lasts for 2 weeks, went to the doctor too.

Could even be a urine infection that's causing the pain, especially after you've urinated. But I'm no doctor :P that's what the doctor suggested to me when I went with testicular pain.

28-03-13, 08:28
My other half always gets one achy testicle- it's fine. I suppose it's like us women with our achy boobs. If it would put your mond at rest you could go to the dr but I think you're fine.xxxxx

29-03-13, 04:15
Thankyou both, much appreciated. No i don't cycle, but i lift a lot of heavy boxes at work and their is a lot of bending and stuff, so maybe its that?! I dunno. Its reassuring to hear that testicular pain can be normal though. I'm
At work atm, i started getting the pain again and i couldn't help but check, then i found a lump and so for the next hour was panicking and going really insane that i had testicular cancer, i googled a diagram of the testicle and to my relief discovered that their is a base of the epididymus too, i only thought their was one at the top. After feeling how mine felt in comparisson to the diagram i feel more assured its NOT a cancerous lump. I'm trying to relax about the pain, was much better today until i got to work :/

Thankyou both so much x