View Full Version : Obsessive mole checking

27-03-13, 21:06
I can't stop checking my moles. I have a few abnormal ones that haven't changed but now I am checking all of them. I keep finding reasons to be concerned about different moles or skin blemishes, if I get over one another one takes my focus.

Help :( This is horrible.

27-03-13, 21:56
Oh my god, can I relate to this!!! My problem though for a stretch was checking my fiance's moles (without him realizing!) Then once he noticed he got so mad at me. I ended up in hysterics last year and forced him to go to the doctor and have them checked. They were all fine.

If they aren't changing, you should be fine. Have you had a skin check by a doc? It's quite fast. Usually they just look at them for a second and can tell if it's normal. That's what I needed to stop obsessing.