View Full Version : Convinced I have heart failure :(

27-03-13, 22:48
Hey all :)

I have felt good the last few days, but today visited a friend and we sat talking and I got all hot and dizzy and I was thinking 'I am going to die today'. Felt like that all day with these thoughts :(((((((
I try telling my brain it is anxiety but it tells me back 'Nooo it's not, go get checked out, your heart is failing!' :((

Now I am home and feeling a nervous feeling in my chest and convinced I have heart failure :(((

28-03-13, 00:14
I don't know why we do this to ourselves, but I can sure relate to you. We get one twinge, and we automatically think its the big one. I always worry about my heart, and that something is wrong, and it is going to just stop. I get really bad chest pains sometimes, and it freaks me out. Have you had a good physical lately, sometimes just getting checked out makes you feel so much better. Just know you are not alone, and I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

28-03-13, 13:20
I don't know why we do this to ourselves, but I can sure relate to you. We get one twinge, and we automatically think its the big one. I always worry about my heart, and that something is wrong, and it is going to just stop. I get really bad chest pains sometimes, and it freaks me out. Have you had a good physical lately, sometimes just getting checked out makes you feel so much better. Just know you are not alone, and I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Thank you for your reply :)
I can feel great during the day, not scared at all. Very rare I get scared during the day. But when night time hits that's when I feel it :( Even without pain my brain obsesses over that I WILL soon die of heart related problems. I am sorry to hear you feel this way too. I had a ekg by a paramedic a month ago, surely if I had heart problems it would have shown up!?

28-03-13, 13:32
I also had many tests for this a saw a special consultants and even had heart ultrasound scan.
I was convinced the prolonged increases heart rate damaged my heart. I could hear my heart beating all the time.... its awful. I had all the symptoms of heart attack. Only when the tests would be done nothing would get confirmed..
Our mind is such a smart thing.
My friend here who i met at pshychologist officce got depression and anx after she witnessed her dad having a heart attack and unfortunately passing away one day before her wedding. She was so traumatised by this experience and the circumstances and the death of her dad that she started reliving what she saw all the time after some time. She would have all the symptoms of heart attcks that her dad had and she would be admitted and then released.... she got in such deep depression.... but later with the medication and therapy recovered....
Our mind is just one smartcomputer...

28-03-13, 13:43
we sat talking and I got all hot and dizzy and I was thinking 'I am going to die today'. Felt like that all day with these thoughts

I understand all the responses you have to your feelings I have been like that many a time and I still get like that and my friend you are right Anxiety.

Our minds are a very powerful that we use to our advantage but sometimes for reasons unknown it just turns on us and gives us misinformation and we start to over think what is happening.

Hence anxiety. When you start feeling like this again just you just need to distract yourself from the thoughts I will pinch myself very hard or dig a fingernail into my hand just to act as a distraction as it then sends the signals to the brain that it has to protect the area where the pain is.

You have seen your doctor and he/she has said you are ok, it is hard to take that they are telling you the truth it has taken me years to understand that (sometimes I still lapse into the panic about my heart).

If it was heart failure you would have many a symptom and you and your doctor would really know.