View Full Version : Constant nervous feeling in chest :(

27-03-13, 22:58
Hey all :)

I have a constant like nervous feeling in my chest. Like butterflies. Exactly like ones you'd have in stomach, but there are higher up in my chest. Not painful at all, just annoying. And scary.

I have heart related anxiety. Not sure if this is related. Bit doesn't help because my brain convinces me this 'nervous feeling' is heart failure :wacko:

28-03-13, 00:36
Have you been sick? Could be phlegm in your lungs or throat. Or do you suffer from palpitations? I get them and it feels like a fluttering in my chest. I cough to make it stop.

28-03-13, 07:18
I get it often, it's anxiety, and the more you think about it the worse it gets, especially with a health anxiety. Learn some relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, then breathe it away.

28-03-13, 13:23
I am not sure if it is palps, because if I feel my pulse everything is normal. It is exactly like a nervous feeling that you get in stomach, but in chest instead. It just comes and goes, sometimes stays for hours. I get this feeling and think 'heart failure' :/ then makes it 10x worse. During the day I feel sooo much better, night time hits and BOOM..anxiety!

Thank you for the replies and advice

06-01-15, 21:43
this is exactly how i am feeling right now. im glad i found this post because its so like me i cud have typed it out word for word myself! it feels like a nervous wave in chest like butterflies in stomach but it makes me think its my heart and i panic, mostly happens at night but do get it randomly during the day also. i cant relax with it at all

06-01-15, 21:47
I get eactly the same, worse and night when I lay down. To make things even worse, I 'crack' my chest and give myself an ache. It's a horrible symptom of anxiety

06-01-15, 23:12
I get this and I hate it. Just another horrible stomach of anxiety. Just try not to let it bother you and it will pass in its own time

06-01-15, 23:59
I get this also, it's horrid pretty much got it 24/7 at the mo!

07-01-15, 00:04
its the same feeling i get when i feel like im going to faint, like a nervous wave. then i freak out that im gna faint
had this for a couple days now...hopfully wont be a long term symptom because i cant deal with it its horrible :(

07-01-15, 06:51
Its adrenaline. There is too much of it circulating your body and it takes time to use up.

A member on here once referred to it as 'buzzing bees' which seems accurate to me.

If affects me the most when I'm sitting around doing very little.

Exercise is the proven way to cause it to be metabolised into something else. Even light exercise is better than nothing.

Deep breathing also clears it.

I find mine eases when I get moving, even doing some household chores can help.

25-09-15, 01:18
Having the same feeling. Been 2-3 days right now. Butterflies in upper stomach/chest area and it's so annoying. Keeps me up at night and makes me worry. Also just overall not feeling like myself can't concentrate and no motivation. HELP!

29-09-15, 07:50
I am sooo feeling like this now.
I know ive been under stress lately, money woriies and daughter off to uni for first time and not settling there.
Things are improving with time, but my symptoms are staying.
Husband off for a golf weekend this weekend and I'm in a panic because I think I am going to spoil it by having a heart attack before he goes or during !
Just this constant nervous feeling in chest and at time a quick heart (110bpm) and ectopic beats. :weep: