View Full Version : Ache in spine

16-09-06, 14:11
I have an achey shooting pain type thing that comes every few mins for about a second or two on one of my spinal discs on my neck, is this normal?:( Had it almost a day.

16-09-06, 14:15
i had it otherday, think its posture related.
Becci x

16-09-06, 14:33
hi there yes i think its posture i get it alot luv sue xx

16-09-06, 15:26
Wow that was fast, thanks :)

16-09-06, 15:48
hehe! thats what we here for boy!
Becci x

18-09-06, 14:16
Oh no it's still happening, and on the left side of the discs. I really hope it stops soon, only started during the long car journey home from Germany and has been fairly persistent ever since. It feels like aching that lasts about 2 seconds and happens every few minutes or even over an hour apart. Does this still sound posture related, considering it's never happened before?

18-09-06, 23:39
I have it further down, near my ass cheek :p

Go see a doctor it's the best you can do, hopefully you will get a clear answer and no *BUT MAYBE*'s, sitting and waiting for the results and new tests is never fun...

and if I have cancer... well, no more.

19-09-06, 13:33
So you've been to the doctor about yours?

19-09-06, 14:51
yes, with loads of other symptoms. Maybe it's just me but consulting the doctor gives me the result that I can be reassured (or I could be sent to more tests, which I am currently in the process of, thus making me more anxious, but hey, I'm not here to scare you, go see the doctor, it's always best to get help)...