View Full Version : Panic Attacks ruining my life

28-03-13, 01:15
Hello everyone,

I've had panic attacks all my life, but they became regular and worse in late 2011. Later, in around June 2012, I was admitted to hospital as I could not get out of my bedroom without panicking. I spent a day in there before I was free, and the panic attacks stopped suddenly. I was normal again.

Fast forward to late February 2013, I was watching a show and they mentioned something, a medical illness that was a trigger to my attacks. Soon enough, I had a full blown panic attack and they have been daily since that time.

A few days ago I was admitted to hospital again as I experienced to worst time of my life. Nothing was working, I just wouldn't stop it (And it was full-blown for about 7 hours). I was awake the whole night, although admittedly I did stop in the middle of the night (Gaining strains and aches from the attack) when I returned home I struggled to get past corridors, and ever since, my life has been hell. Literally, I will have a panic attack at least every few hours.

I am struggling to go outside, watch TV and read text which contains triggers, sleep sometimes, basically almost anything. Luckily I can stay away from school for now, but I can't go on like this.

Some important notes:
I grew up watching my mother have regular panic attacks, she doesn't anymore.
My life is extremely stressful.
I have thought about suicide in the past.
I have common chest pains.
I have common, but less common than chest pains, pains in all around my body.
Often my parents shout and get angry with me when I have panic attacks, which makes things 100x worse.

28-03-13, 02:24
Hi Black warrior.
Sorry you are going through this.
I also had very prolonged period of intensive attacks.before for few months i am pretty sure. There were days like you said they were non stop one going into another. Nothing seemed going by the book where it says the attack lasts only few mins. For me it was hours and terrible feeling of dreading themm to come again inbetween. It was so debilitating we even had to leave the country we worked in at the time as i was convinced it will help. But doc was telling me that i was just givng up to fight and flight response.
The last very intense period after almos 2 y.break started in Nov 2012. I also ended up in hospital with severe dehydration.
I am also having a bit of a wobler now again but one thingi know that unfortunately there are reasons for relapse every time, underlying reasons even if its not obvious.
You.are saying your life is full of stress and your mum had attacks...
You must be in the vicious circle now and because you ade trying to shake it off it stays longer. If you can try to do the opposite just accept that thats the way you are feeling now and it will eventually go away. Try to be as comfortable in present moment as possible. Take the horrible panick atrack experience as any other experince and thenyou should be able.to break the cycle.
The after feelins are as bad as attacks thats why we think we have them non stop... but it will go away eventually. Body is wise it will sfop overdriving at some point.
Aches and pains most likely are caused by huge muscle strain that we have while attack. We are getting ready for some physical action which never.comes with the attack. Chest pain that i get i know of hyperventilation.and muscle strains as.well.
It.will.soon get better you will.be able to enjoy your life and relax again.
Take care

28-03-13, 03:42
Thank you Thumbalina. It means a lot to have someone who has been through the same, as I can't find many others.

Yes I guess I am stuck in the cycle. It is very hard to escape but I will do my best. I am still very worried about the chest pains because of my stress though. However, I hyperventilate for hours, days even, even after the attack has faded so maybe that could be it.

In all honesty panic attacks are the scariest things I have ever been through :scared10: