View Full Version : Acid, constant tiredness, PVC's, hiatus???

28-03-13, 10:53
I haven't posted for a while and am getting to the point of sheet frustration.

I don't know if this is anxiety driven, it certainly doesn't feel anxiety driven because there are physical effects which I notice.

I'd never suffered from stomach acid until about 2 years ago, which coincides to when I started my new job, which I don't particularly have any stress or worries about. I suffer from stomach acid, have 30mg lanzaprezole, having sometimes 3 weeks of feeling ok then I'll have a couple of weeks of feeling terrible.

I am healthy and watch my diet, kept out fatty foods, spicey foods, pastry etc. I'm not over weight, I haven't gained/lost weight. When I get a turn for the worse I feel exhausted, when I drive to and from work and whilst i'm in work I feel like falling asleep, I feel pale and weak as well. The acid burns not up my oesopaghus but pretty much constantly just under my breast bone.

If I weight train or lift above my head I get pvc's and sometimes if I am doing sport I'll all of a sudden feel very sick and gaggy. I try not to take the lanzeprzole all the time, the last time I had the acid bad I took one in the morning then the next day it'd gone, but it went without a trace, almost too good to be true?!

I've had blood tests a while back, all normal, and waiting on an endoscopy. What's really annoying is that it is ruling my day to day life, I want to be able to do things an not always feel like a hypochondriac. Strangely, if I'm at home, concentrating on something, I pretty much feel normal. If I go out or to work it is triggered off a little.

As you can tell I'm going around in circles, waking up hoping that I don't feel like crap all day is a regular feeling for me. Do I have a hiatus hernia, is it in my head???????

Has anyone felt the same way? I can't tell you how frustrating this is for me, I don't want this for the rest of my life. I'm in my 30's and have a young family and I want to be able to share everything with them and not have to worry about having a PVC or heartburn or feeling so tired and weak I can't do anything. When I do go to the gym I can still lift as much, so physically I'm as strong but I feel drained, like I don't have any oomph?

Can anyone relate?

I went to the doctor again with my frustration... He said I'm healthy, doesn't think they'll find anything at endoscopy and that I might just be someone who produced more acid than others... One thing I do know is that before suffering with anxiety 3 years ago I never had anything like this!

Help would be much appreciated.



28-03-13, 12:01
Hello :) I got all ur symptoms to a tee! Ill get the palpitations when I bend , lift, move awkwardly but only when I ha e bad acid! Being pregnant and having them is a nightmare lol. I've had a full gastro and cardio work up and nothing was found .... Still annoys me tho :( xxx hugs 50 xxx

28-03-13, 13:46
OMG I get this all the time too! I feel the way you do sometimes about being tired and wanting to fall asleep...PVC's, I've been dealing with these terrible beats for a couple of years now and all I can say is it is definitely benign and anxiety driven. I used to get like 10 skipped beats a minute all day. After several tests I was given a clean bill of health and sent home. I still occasionally get these when I'm really stressed or really tired but lately I haven't had too many. Acid? If your talking about heart burn or GERD then yes I get this alot too.