View Full Version : please, anyone experienced this?

28-03-13, 11:08

I have had something happen to me just now and although it's not the first time I felt this I am really struggling to cope with things like this lately so I could really do with knowing I'm not alone and not to freak out.

I remember once long time ago I asked the doctor and she said it sounds like neuralgia.

But I don't think do.

It's like a sudden very short lasting sharp pain usually only in one spot on the head, it only lasts few seconds and it's hard to explain what it feels like but it's like my head feels fuzzy afterwards. It's still all fuzzy now. Sometimes can feel dizzy after. Now I just feel dazed and spaced out. And really scared.

Anyone knows what I'm describing?

Carly Lou
28-03-13, 11:18
Ive had this... a sharp pain in the head suddenly... I get this Millie xxx
all the time :( the spaced out feeling etc has been there for about a week now xxx
the dizziness is us getting super anxious because of it xxx


28-03-13, 11:18
I have had that happen, and I'm like ouch what that heck is that. It doesn't last but a couple of seconds, but it does make you a bit edgy. I think it really is alright. (not a Doc) but I have had this, and I think we are okay. Hope you feel better. :hugs:

28-03-13, 11:25
It feels a bit like the pain you get in the thought but like a pulse type pain. Does that make sense?

28-03-13, 15:42
Random nerve firing off, very common. I think most people if aske dwill have had it at sometime, I sometimes get it on and off all day in one spot then it goes away.

28-03-13, 17:38
poss ice pick headaches????? or that what gp told me. they said they are harmless just uncomfortable

28-03-13, 18:20
Nerve firing makes sense. How long does the pain last with the ice pick headaches? It doesnt feel like stabbing pain though. The pain itself is not so much a problem cause it lasts so shirt, it's the washed up feeling aftrwards that can linger for ling and is very worrisome.

28-03-13, 19:49
its like a eletric shock/ lightning bolt hitting your head. lasts seconds to few mins but everyone different. hows the dizzy periods and leg pain

28-03-13, 23:09
It does feel like lightning i guess!
The dizziness is almost always there in various forms and degrees. Or maybe I am too sensitive to it. I don't know anymore. About the leg, yesterday after that doctors appointment it was really bad but today i never felt a thing, i've been too focused on my head to notice much else I guess.

29-03-13, 20:23
Hi Millie, I get this a lot and have for about 6 years.. It still scares me silly!! Hubbie also get this x