View Full Version : Relationships & OCD

28-03-13, 22:05
Hey all

Tonight I am having a night from hell. I am working nightshift on a barge and here is my problem. My girlfriend who I LOVE so much is out tonight on her work leaving doo. Thoughts and images are running through my head. I have no proof or anything, she loves me and we have just got our 2nd house together. Problem is I can't stop these thoughts of her kissing, flirting, or even worse. This has been on and off for the whole relationship and it actually hurts me. I feel like I've just found out that its true, my stomach churns and a rush of fear/anger runs through me. I can feel myself wanting to lash out but it just keeps coming. I know there is no quick fix for this and my 2nd CBT is 8 days away. Has anyone had this or got this? What can I do? I've tried keeping myself biz to keep my mind off it but its getting stronger and stronger. I know this is OCD but I don't know how to tackle it. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. :weep:

28-03-13, 23:08
Hi again thomo. I know how difficult this must be as I have had times when I have felt intense jealousy of others. When I was first with my partner I was always worried that someone wouldn't approve of our relationship and I thought they would convince her not to see me. Well, it didn't come to that and we are 17yrs down the line now. Perhaps your feelings are a mark of how much you care bout your girlfriend. I'm not an expert in such matters but what I do know is that when you do learn techniques in CBT this is most certainly an area you can explore and have success in.
I get repetitive thoughts myself. Not of the same nature but the skills to cope will be along the same lines I am sure. I do know for certain that the more you try NOT to think about a certain subject, the harder it seems to get. For now you could try busying yourself with something that keeps your mind busy. It can be anything. Even something as simple as bunging some music on and then perhaps counting in your Mind. Or doing something that requires a bit of your brain power. I don't know if you are into crosswords or puzzles or even some sort of word game. Anything that occupies your mind.
Oh also , look at positive affirmations. Things that prove you have a good relationship with your girlfriend. Just like you listed in your post. These are facts and they substantiate the strength of your relationship.
Bye for now and I hope u r able to focus on something else, something that would be more productive for you.

28-03-13, 23:22
Thanks tessar

I'm getting to grips with it but the thoughts just keep coming! I found myself looking about for the huge double handle switch you get and turn it to OFFFFFFFF!!!! Lol.
Maybe try banging my head off a wall, that's where I am just now! Wouldn't it be a treat if there was an OCD positive thinking version, think that would be a top seller!
I appreciate you advice and time, I feel better after just talking about it.

29-03-13, 08:11
That's good thomo, this place is so good for getting things off your chest, even if we can't come up with a wondrous solution at least sharing makes it easier.....