View Full Version : Gastroenteritis or something else?

28-03-13, 22:13
Hi guys,

Last weekend I had an upset stomach which manifested itself in lots of watery diarreah (sorry...) I then had a day of normal-ish stool then bouts of passing small amounts of soft stool. My baby boy was then diagnosed with gastroenteritis as was my husband. Neither of them have had diarreah, just sickness. Last night I too started throwing up and having short bouts of watery diarreah. Today I've only been sick once, I hadn't eaten since yesterday lunch and today I've had a slice of bread. I've had tiny bits of diarreah and bad backache. I thought maybe I'd have more diarreah than this? My worry (as my HA is entirely bowel cancer related) is that this is something worse, that maybe I've got a blockage and that's why I'm vomiting and only passing small amounts of stool. I definitely feel like I've got a bug but you never know.

There is nothing weird about the diarreah, no mucus or blood.

I'm so wound up, my baby is poorly and I've got this worry...

I'd know if it was something worse right?


28-03-13, 22:31
I am sure this is a bug you have got the same as your husband and baby. Your body will reject it in its own way, out one end or the other. I hope your family will all recover soon. There are so many virus going about at the moment x

28-03-13, 22:41
I hope so- I definitely have a headache, temperature and fatigue and the sickness the same as my boy and my husband. I'm just not in a place where I can deal with this kind of thing rationally : (

I think I'll be having yet another sleepless night and I need to be able to take good care of my baby. I'm always letting him down at the moment : (

28-03-13, 22:48
You're fine you have the same as your family.

I also have babies and know how hard it is when u dont sleep

You have a bug, go to sleep honey x

28-03-13, 22:48
You are not letting your baby down at all. You are not well yourself and it is not easy looking after a family when you are ill. Try to find time to rest and relax, the upset stomach should go soon. Make sure you have plenty of fluids and maybe just a piece of toast and bananas are good for upset stomachs. :hugs::hugs:

28-03-13, 23:50
I've had some toast and some chicken soup.

I just can't get the image of a tumour blocking my intestines out of my head : (

29-03-13, 04:12
I hope you all get well in no time. These viruses are really bad tbese days.
You think the worst because you have.anx.
You will be forgetting ab your stomach issues once the flu will start going away

29-03-13, 04:20
Oh hun. You don't have a tumor, bowel cancer doesn't work like that. Bowel cancer starts with little polyps and you don't even know you have them. YOu probably wouldn't have any symptoms, certainly not the ones you're describing, so just relax and try and shake off this nasty bug. Be glad you're not passing much, it's a good sign :)

29-03-13, 18:44
I've had loose stools today and still feel like I have a bug. I'm very tense and anxious, I just can't rid myself of these awful awful thoughts. I want to go back to normal : (

29-03-13, 18:46
You do sound like you've had a virus.
Have you been eating and drinking? Try lots of water and something light.
Try not to worry to much x

29-03-13, 19:16
I'm trying to eat and drink, I'm so obsessed with going to the toilet that I took lactulose which has probably made things worse.

I'm wondering if the anxiety is also screwing things up?

Just sitting here with my little boy curled up on my lap thinking I'm going to die and I can't bear to be without him : (

29-03-13, 19:19
:( sorry to hear your not having a good time.
Try to drink as much water as possible.
Try bland things if your not feeling great.
Cheesy pasta . Toast. Fruit. Yoghurt or even ice cream and jelly.
You don't need to be taking lactulose at all.
Anxiety can also make the bowels do strange things.
You don't sound like you have anything serious though.

29-03-13, 19:24
If you have an upset stomach don't eat any dairy foods. Try to eat plain boiled rice, toast and/or bananas. Like Emma said, jelly is good to eat but (sorry Emma) ice cream will make you worse and isn't advised. I don't think you should take lactulose. Again take Emma's advise and drink lots of water. Anxiety will increase the effects on your digestive system xx

29-03-13, 19:26
Oh yes sorry didn't think about dairy for upset tummies. Think I was thinking when people have their tonsils out etc they eat things they don't have to chew like jelly and ice cream
X Emma.

29-03-13, 19:28
I just want to go to bed and not wake up until this is all over. I've got so much to be happy about and yet having something like a tummy bug (if that's what it is) makes me feel like I can't go on.

I love my baby so much it makes me feel desperate that I am the way I am.

29-03-13, 19:35
It is natural to feel more anxious when you are physically ill, I had a dreadful cold last week which made me more anxious. Look after yourself and you will be well again soon xx

29-03-13, 20:48
You will get better and you have nothing to worry about. The advice about about what to eat is totally right. Don't take anything that makes you go - that's not what you need right now. You're feeling yucky because you're sick and that's normal, but you will get better. Try reading through this online module and see if it makes you feel better. I have been doing it to help with my health anxiety and it really works http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

29-03-13, 22:42
I'm going to bed convinced I'm dying of bowel cancer. I just can't deal with this anymore. I'm so tired of being scared. I've done CBT (and thank you I have looked at those online modules) and I'm on 100mg sertraline and I still feel this way. I just want to scream- I'm either really ill and no one is listening or I'm going crazy : (

30-03-13, 07:54
I'm finding it very difficult to cope today- I had a panic attack last night : ( I don't know how to get through the weekend and then how I'm going to be brave enough to see my doctor : (

30-03-13, 09:46

You said yourself only a couple of days ago that you had a headache and a temperature so given the fact that your hubby and son have been Ill this is almost definitely a virus. You havent given yourself long enough to get over it and all this worry will be making things worse. None of the symptoms you have described would lead a doctor to consider bowel cancer.

I wish I could say something to make you feel better. You are obviously very worked up about this. We are all telling you that this is Nothing serious but it doesn't seem to be helping you. I'd like to be able to sit down with you and give you a big hug and let you talk it out. You really shouldn't be worrying about bowel cancer. Try and distract yourself if you can. It's bank holiday weekend so unless you go emergency you won't get to the docs till Tuesday. Tell yourself you will make an appointment for then and try and put it to the back of your mind. I know it's cold but it's a lovely sunny day so perhaps you could all wrap up and go for a walk?

I do know how you feel lovey. I have been where you are now though my obsession was MS. I got through it and so will you. I hope you manage to get some relief and try and make the best of this holiday weekend. How old is your son? Will the Easter bunny be visiting?!

Wishing you well

Sal x

30-03-13, 12:51
I just can't stop it going round and round in my head- I've got my family round today to try and distract me but it isn't helping yet. This is officially my worst period of HA to date. I know I've had a bug and that it affects people in different ways- all my friends have had it. I just can't deal with it