View Full Version : When Times Are Hard, Counselling?

29-03-13, 00:56
Hey it's Gedzy again. Things have been good for awhile and I have manged to tackle my panic and anxiety and it's been hard although I can deal with them much better! But there still there... :ohmy:

Recently I have had some stressful advents and this has caused me to have an onset mainly late at night or when I'm alone for long periods of time. I don't sleep very well and with pa it's just all to much. I really want to combat this but I get in such a state. I also have major depression and with both combined it really does affect my life so much! I'm a young lad and want to get out there and achieve! Although with my pa, depression, my environmental surroundings, university make's me think that it's going to be impossible. :weep:

I have been to the doctor many times although I feel they really don't do much or understand, your views?. Any ideas on counselling or mental health clinic? :unsure:

My heart rate was 115bpm when I started writing this and now I've wrote this it's back to normal (60-80bpm) :D

I have read your forum for advice on ways to handle pa and anxiety and by far yet this is the best forum! :yesyes:

I'd like to thank for you advice and I know I don't write many comments but just because I'm not logged/writing comments doesn't mean I'm not on here, Thanks Gedzy x

29-03-13, 03:01
Totally agree with aliy here, I had Cognative Behaviour Therapy (CBT) arranged through docs recommendation with IAPT http://www.iapt.nhs.uk/ you can self refer in some areas, check their website for details.

I was treated for anx/panic/agoraphobia/depression and I found it very helpful. My therapist was brilliant too, very encouraging and supportive. I learned coping stratergies that I still try to put into practise now. Definitely worth looking into. It's not an overnight cure and you have to be prepared to put the work in, but I believe it can help you regain some of that lost confidence and help you to move forward in a more positive direction.

I wish you the best of luck. Kitti :)

29-03-13, 20:33
Definitely try counselling!

29-03-13, 23:57
Thank you for your comments and I will have to give Counselling or CBT a go. I have a local doctors so I will arrange an appointment soon.

Awhile back I did have some CBT which from what a can remember really helped me and in fact when I finished the CBT I felt 100% better :yahoo: but that was for something else which I no longer have.

@aliy: I've had depression for several years on and off but the panic attacks makes it very difficult on top of depression. I had pa for about 3 years now. I've tried techniques and went on medication for awhile but I prefer not to be on medication (I don't won't to be dependent on them).

@kittikat: Thank you for your advice and I haven't heard of IAPT is it new? I've had a look at the website and I may suggest this to the doctor :)

@Lilharry: I think I will, thanks :)


30-03-13, 00:12
@kittikat: Thank you for your advice and I haven't heard of IAPT is it new? I've had a look at the website and I may suggest this to the doctor :smile:

I am not sure to be honest, I also had therapy a few years back which helped me but it wasn't through IAPT (although my GP did refer me at that time too) When I was refered again Feb 2012 it went through IAPT. I found their approach and serivce excellent in my area but I have heard it's a bit of a postcode lottery depending on funding/availability etc. I hope you get the help you need. Good luck!