View Full Version : Stomach contents backing up all the time... Please tell me I will get better?

29-03-13, 01:22
Every minute or so I feel what feels like vomit coming up, and it's really scary as I'm an emetophobe (intense fear of vomiting). I've never vomited from it but I've always been close to. I'm always burping a lot and today, I'm bringing up this foul tasting liquid (not acidic at all) that tastes exactly like vomit, I'm also feeling nauseous all the time as well. I'm really sick of this and just wondering if anyone has experienced this and gotten better from it? I've tried modifying my diet and everything and I'm still getting it. I'm also taking 40mg Omeprazole and they are making no difference whatsoever.. I have my scope on the 1st May but I feel like it's too far away for me..

I'm really close to giving up and not living anymore because every day is a constant struggle... I just want to live through days without feeling ill... :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

29-03-13, 02:58
Hi Rls,
Stomach issies are the first ones for me to kick in when anx comes. I have diarhe and sickness and struggle to brush teeth as it makes.me.sick... food just has no taste and more over i cant even look or smell it.
I try to drink allot at least and do smoothies or drink powder milk.
Our body is trying to get rid of all extra.weight while preparing for fight or flight response, thats why we having it.
Also medications give this sideefect. It will take time for meds to start working properly.ask your doc how long does he think you should try and tolerate it.
Take care...

Orange Lightning
29-03-13, 10:20
Every minute or so I feel what feels like vomit coming up, and it's really scary as I'm an emetophobe (intense fear of vomiting). I've never vomited from it but I've always been close to. I'm always burping a lot and today, I'm bringing up this foul tasting liquid (not acidic at all) that tastes exactly like vomit, I'm also feeling nauseous all the time as well. I'm really sick of this and just wondering if anyone has experienced this and gotten better from it? I've tried modifying my diet and everything and I'm still getting it. I'm also taking 40mg Omeprazole and they are making no difference whatsoever.. I have my scope on the 1st May but I feel like it's too far away for me..

I'm really close to giving up and not living anymore because every day is a constant struggle... I just want to live through days without feeling ill... :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

Thank the heavens there's another like me! Believe me I'm struggling with this too, but there's a silver lining - it really can be anxiety by the sounds of it! My hypnotherapist told me reflux is a common issue and to prove the point I felt a lot better during hypnosis. I'll be getting tests next month too, been waiting a good 5 months for this; how about we share our results here? :)

One question; when you bring up something does it make you feel short of breath for a bit? I get that - unpleasent :/

29-03-13, 10:30
I would ask your Doctor for a change of PPI. I was put on Lansoprazole initially for acid reflux and that didn't work. I changed to omeprazole and that works a lot better for me. As with all meds what works for one might not work for another.

Hope you feel better soon

Just noticed you said you're having an endoscopy soon. When I was due for one I was told to stop my omeprazole 6weeks before as it can mask problems they're looking for in your stomach and oesphogus. Just thought I should mention ths as you may need to stop your Lansaprazole soon, check your appointment letter from the hospital it should tell you.

29-03-13, 20:41
Thanks for replying guys!

Orange, I definitely feel a bit of breath when it comes up so you're not the only one! I'll definitely post my results here when I get them back. :)

I got my letter last Monday and it didn't say anything about stopping my medication or anything. Didn't even say anything about fasting either. :/ So I'm guessing I'm going to be getting another letter or something soon?

29-03-13, 20:48
I get this but I never associated it to my anxiety attacks. I have problems lying on my left side when trying to sleep because I feel that the "juices" inside bubble over the top that way and give me a taste of vomit and a feeling of wanting to be sick.

That milky white and foul tasting concoction from the doctors (used for acid indegestion) usually puts me right for a good 6 months though!

02-04-13, 17:13
Every minute or so I feel what feels like vomit coming up, and it's really scary as I'm an emetophobe (intense fear of vomiting). I've never vomited from it but I've always been close to. I'm always burping a lot and today, I'm bringing up this foul tasting liquid (not acidic at all) that tastes exactly like vomit, I'm also feeling nauseous all the time as well. I'm really sick of this and just wondering if anyone has experienced this and gotten better from it? I've tried modifying my diet and everything and I'm still getting it. I'm also taking 40mg Omeprazole and they are making no difference whatsoever.. I have my scope on the 1st May but I feel like it's too far away for me..

I'm really close to giving up and not living anymore because every day is a constant struggle... I just want to live through days without feeling ill... :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

Hi Rls1994,
I am there with you. Feeling just like you are, everything you said. I gaga every morning and have no appetite. I have to force myself to eat. The mornings are really hard for me to get up and go to work. I am also on medication. I have never heard of Omeprazole, is it an anti-depressant or Anti Anxiety med? I am taking Celexa 20 mg. Started it 2.5 weeks ago. I am hoping that it kicks in soon. I really want to live but not feeling like this.... so I can relate. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone on this, hope that helps somewhat.... :hugs:

05-04-13, 14:09
Hi chica. :) I'm so sorry to hear that you also go through this. It's absolute torture and affects my daily life. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor used to help acid reflux. I would advise it if none of your medication is working 'cause while it doesn't help for me, it may help for you. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: