View Full Version : was doing great but....

29-03-13, 03:54
Hey all. I have been doing much much better with my HA, but recently, doubts have started creeping back in. It has to do with some strange sensations on the left side of my body, particularly my left leg. It doesn't feel weak, but it just feels stiff and awkward compared to my right. I got this feeling months ago when my HA was super bad. Also, I seem to be having bad short term memory. Like I will tell myself to remember a couple things, and then I forget one of them in like 15 seconds...but maybe I'm just over thinking things. Anyway, this all has me scared of a brain tumor all over again. Why would i get the left sided sensations I used to get months ago, even when I'm not nearly as anxious as I was back then?? Can things really linger that long without any anxiety up front?

30-03-13, 03:57

30-03-13, 04:24
The memory problem i def relate to as I become not only forgetful but clumsy as well. But that's the least of my worries in the middle of anx bout mainly I am concerned ab the end of everything while having panic periods. I do have aches sensations but it can be everyday different one.i mainly get obsessiive feelings in my chest, throat and head.

Take care