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View Full Version : Had a little blow up at work

29-03-13, 14:43
I am posting in the IBS FORUM because that's what I'm dealing with. I always come into work early because I like to bs with the boys early in the morning. So. We're having our discussion this morning and one of the guys said he had a late night last night because him and his wife were out with friends and found out their female friend has stomach C.
Well that kind of set me off because I am always dealing with stomach and bowel issues. This guy who is telling the story is also a C survivor so after I blow up about not telling me these things he immediately starts putting my mind At ease explaining that if I had anything wrong I would know it.
Anyways it seems like in the last couple of years that is all I've heard about is people I know getting the diagnosis and people seem to be drawn to tell me about someone they know who has gotten diagnosed or has died from this stupid disease.
I seem to be a lightening rod for people that want to share these bits of news. Does anyone else deal with this? Maybe I have just become hypersensitive about it because it always seems to be I the back of my mind.
After doing a little soul searching I guess I have come to the conclusion that this has come from an incident when I was about 7-8 years old. My Grandma died of C and it must have left this fear in me.

Anyways I have started to ramble. Just wondering if anyone else has these well meaning friends that seem unable to keep their mouths shut about every tragedy they know about

29-03-13, 15:03
I think as you say that because we are anxious we are hypersensitive to people talking about these things were others will just accept it and not think twice about it. Have you had any counselling to help you deal with this?

29-03-13, 18:40
No I haven't but it has been suggested by my doctor. Every time I try to find a counseler I end up talking to them and don't seem to connect so I just move on

30-03-13, 00:22
No it's just your hypersenstive to that sort of information so you notice it more.
I hear about C all the time, on the news, over hear random people talking about it, today my mum told me 2 different C stories! Both involving people she knew .

Try not to get too upset with people, it's easy for then to forget your fear when they them selves don't have it.

CBT can be good for fears n phobias.

31-03-13, 02:13
I am looking for a good therapist right now

31-03-13, 04:45
I have many examples as good as yours where the simple convers would set up the full blown attack and even Episode.
Once the guy mentioned that his wife died of heart attack and I almost collapsed then and there visualizing all that and relating to myself - I suffered for many months after that.
It's clear to me now when our mind is in deep complex a accumulated anxiety state any info like that sets us off and makes us have a disproportionate reaction. If you try and keep this in mind as repeat it to yourself maybe you will become more resistant to information like that.