View Full Version : Any health affects to this?

29-03-13, 17:55
Tommorow I am going on a 1,200 calorie a max day diet for a week.
I have been counting calories and have been hitting 3,000 a day and I don't burn that in a day.
I have planned it out.
Tommorow: beans and egg on one slice toast. Yoghurt.
Tuna sandwich. Banana.

When back at work:
Small bowl of cereal in morning.
Sandwhich and a banana/yoghurt.
Dinner: something light. Another sarnie or a slice of toast with something. Fruit

Is their anything I need to watch out for on this diet? Will I start feeling faint? Develop anaemia? Suffer any adverse health affects from this? I plan to do this for one week and then go back to normal again.

---------- Post added at 17:55 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

I will make sure I get some carbs, protein, a portion of fruit and some dairy every day still though.

29-03-13, 18:02
Why one week? You're prob going to feel rubbish for that week what's the point. Just eat a healthy balanced diet, odd treats ect.

29-03-13, 18:44
Do you ever read your own threads? They are clogging up the health anxiety forum with this nonsense.

As for this 'diet' your body wouldn't even have time to adjust in a week so don't expect anything. A diet for a week is pointless. A healthy diet should be followed week in week out with a 'cheat meal' once or twice a week to stop the digestive system getting lazy.

I new someone was going to say something about all these threads sooner or later. Fair point.

---------- Post added at 18:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:40 ----------

Emma I have posted in most of your threads and you seem to be going over the same things again and again.

I dont see much point in doing this 1 week diet you are on about. It doesnt work like that, you cant eat badly 1 week and then make up for it by eating nothing the next week.

Eat when you feel hungry and try and keep it healthy, but stop counting calories for everything you eat and monitoring everything, its just causing you stress that you dont need and that can be avoided.

If anything you need to put on a little weight or stay at the weight your at, not lose it.

29-03-13, 18:53
Emma you really need to stop obsessing about what you are eating. You are a young healthy girl and not overweight so just eat what you want to as I know you like healthy food anyway but don't add up what you are eating and don't keep worrying about what you are eating. Just eat and enjoy!! xx

29-03-13, 19:09
Thanks :(.
I stood I front of a large mirror I have in my bedroom this morning looking at my self. Pinching the tiny bit of fat I have on my tummy and the tiny bit of fat around my hips to.
When I lay down however my tummy is so flat theirs nothing to pinch and my hips stick out and their so bony. Looking at my self though I feel so fat and ugly.
I love food but feel guilty afterwards.
I don't think I have an eating disorder though.
I have deleted a fitness app I have which I was tracking calories on as it was causing me to much distress.

29-03-13, 19:35
Emma, you aren't overweight so have no need to diet. Stop counting calories and eat what you want as long as it is a reasonably healthy balanced diet. If you start putting on weight, worry about it then and diet or exercise. You aren't doing yourself any favours worrying about everything you eat.

29-03-13, 19:37
I am so pleased you have deleted that app!!!! Now go and eat and enjoy! :D xx

30-03-13, 18:21
Feeling better today.
Had late breakfast/early lunch of two slices wholemeal bread with baked beans and a poached egg. A banana.
Dinner: tuna pasta bake. I made with one tin tuna, one cup pasta, one tin chopped tomatoes, one small onion, small tin of sweetcorn and some hot and spicy cheddar. Shared this with dad. My portion wasn't huge. Added a tiny bit of Philly cheese to mine and served with mushy peas.
Had a muiller rice after and am bloody stuffed.
I may make a chicken version of this next week so nice n quick and easy for lunch next week. As my work lunch is always ham/turkey/corned beef bought of the deli sandwich, yoghurt and piece of fruit lol.
I've estimated calories for my breakfast and am trying to stop my self calculating up what I had for dinner as I don't want to know lol!
A lot of today was tinned food so still can't of been great for my health :(

Also had two cups tea. One cup coffee. One glass water. Two glasses diluted squash.

Also found a new love of asparagus yesterday.

---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:43 ----------

Also during not working days I eat two meals a day. Late breakfast. Dinner.
During work I have . Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Dinner.
I don't feel hungry enough for three meals on non work days.
Does this cause my metabolism to slow over the weekend causing issues when I go back to eating three meals in the week.
For example mon-thurs is. Breakfast- 6:00am. Snack 10:30 am. Lunch 1:30pm. Dinner about 6:30pm
Friday is breakfast at 6:00am. Snack: 10:30. Early dinner about 4:30. Dessert after or about a half hour after. I finish work at 1:00pm on Fridays and by the time I've got home 2:00pm lunch is not worth it then having dinner four hours later when I'm not hungry.
Saturday is breaky about 11:00. Dinner about 5:00
Sunday about the same.