View Full Version : Multiple brusies?

29-03-13, 18:57
had bruising in the past but other week I had 2 small yellow bruises on thigh and now 3 yesterday on arm and another one today, all yellow and all within a 10 inches of each other. Had 1 or 2 before but never 4 and doc did a platete test and came back fine about 8 months ago. They are always yellow never purple

google said leukemia and need a blood test. also have nausea and fatigue which are 2 of symptons. My question is I had a FBC a few months ago and it was fine would that rule out leukemia or could it just come really quick? cant get in GP till next thursday


29-03-13, 19:03
You've been tested you're fine. I am lays having random yellow ones too.

29-03-13, 19:31
I meant I got tested when I only had one or two few months back, never had 4 before all on arms in space of 2 days. that cant be right can it. thats not normal

29-03-13, 19:43
I am always covered in bruises and no idea where I get them from!

Some of us are more prone to this that others but it doesn't mean there is anything wrong

29-03-13, 19:59
ta for the reply
my points is that it never used to happen until a few months back

29-03-13, 21:30
The best thing to do is see your doctor and they will request repeat blood tests if necessary.