View Full Version : Do you think the younger generation will be very anxiety sufferers in the future

29-03-13, 19:05
Do you think the younger generation will be anxiety sufferers in years to come. I am 24 and I've had anxiety since I was about 21/22, but I feel that so many people my age and younger are part of such a high pressure society, that it's impossible not to succumb to the stress.

We're constantly barraged with having to do this at a certain age, be this by a certain age, etc, and it just makes young people feel forced into achieving things that are unattainable at until much older.

Does anyone else feel like this on here? Especially if you're in your 20's or younger.

Do you older people on here feel like this as well, at times?

29-03-13, 19:34
Did you watch "How TV Ruined Your LIfe" on BBC2 last night? Its a great series starring Charlton Brooker which shows the negative influence TV can have on its viewers. Yesterdays show was about aspirations and how the unattainable is constantly promoted and how happiness is shown as material wealth and good looks.

Could it be that Television seriously harms the development of children with a continuous output of consumerism and its appeal to the lowest common denominator? Look at the music channels to see women as nothing more than objects or adverts to see men as figures of ridicule.

The exploitation of the gullible by self-obsessed, false, fake looking, inane and rude presenters has become the normal night viewing.

The whole family became passive observers of the TV without really thinking or debating what the benefits or the drawbacks were. It was just placed in the living room and we all stopped communicating to watch it. TV has started to decide how we should think and behave. Should we be surprised that the young feel mixed up when the TV is used as a babysitter but its bedtime stories are ones which go against "the grain" of Human Being?

Does anyone else think that there is a connection between TV and some Social Anxieties?

How TV Ruined Your Life can be viewed on youtube and I strongly recommend it to you all!

29-03-13, 20:30
The media has A LOT to answer for, that's for sure. I've thought long and hard about how I want to raise my children (when I have some!) and instilling morals and ethics to mitigate the pressure put on them by tv and their peers and society in general, is top of the priority list. I never want my kids to feel like they have to conform. I want to raise independent, critical thinkers. Also, building self confidence is so important. I think that is what let me down when I was young and why I harbour a lot of anxiety now. My parents never recognised just how lacking in self confidence I was, or if they did, they didn't do anything about it.

29-03-13, 21:18
Did you watch "How TV Ruined Your LIfe" on BBC2 last night? Its a great series starring Charlton Brooker which shows the negative influence TV can have on its viewers. Yesterdays show was about aspirations and how the unattainable is constantly promoted and how happiness is shown as material wealth and good looks.

Could it be that Television seriously harms the development of children with a continuous output of consumerism and its appeal to the lowest common denominator? Look at the music channels to see women as nothing more than objects or adverts to see men as figures of ridicule.

The exploitation of the gullible by self-obsessed, false, fake looking, inane and rude presenters has become the normal night viewing.

The whole family became passive observers of the TV without really thinking or debating what the benefits or the drawbacks were. It was just placed in the living room and we all stopped communicating to watch it. TV has started to decide how we should think and behave. Should we be surprised that the young feel mixed up when the TV is used as a babysitter but its bedtime stories are ones which go against "the grain" of Human Being?

Does anyone else think that there is a connection between TV and some Social Anxieties?

How TV Ruined Your Life can be viewed on youtube and I strongly recommend it to you all!

I did not see the programme, but I've watched similar things in the past. Media does have a lot to blame for the way we all view ourselves. All of these things contribute to the way we think about one another.

You just have to look back in time at the 50's and 60's, people seemed so much happier and easy going. Now, everyone seems to be caught up in this rat race to outdo one another, it's pathetic.

Exactly, you just have to watch these dating shows and reality shows. Even young children are being allowed to wear more revealing clothes, YOUNG CHILDREN!! It's crazy! And people wonder why there are more sexual assaults occurring.

Problem is, society is built on this false image that you should have this or that, but in reality, all it's doing is making people insecure in themselves. People are now using credit cards to buy everything, getting loans they are struggling to pay back, all for materialistic gain. I am not saying everyone is taking loans out for materialistic things, but for the most part, people are doing that.

Just the other week, my friend used loan to buy a £400 mobile phone! I mean, that is ridiculous.

I don't know, it just seems that Western society is full of pure lunacy.

I really don't know if there was much anxiety/stress around back in the old days, but it's certainly increasing these days. Even young people are committing suicide due to overwhelming expectations put upon them.

29-03-13, 21:22
I don't know if it is more to be anxious about, but more media around it. The media make such a hype about everything. Illness, murder, etc all happened back in the day. It just wasn't all over the internet, tv, twitter, radio. If anything we are safer now because of medical care but yes, I do think anxiety is probably on the rise.

On the other hand the good thing is that there is less stigma around it. There certainly still is some, but there is mental health care out there and education about getting help. In the old days we'd just be locked up, so I think a lot of mental health problems went undiagnosed or were hidden on purpose.

29-03-13, 21:48
The media has A LOT to answer for, that's for sure. I've thought long and hard about how I want to raise my children (when I have some!) and instilling morals and ethics to mitigate the pressure put on them by tv and their peers and society in general, is top of the priority list. I never want my kids to feel like they have to conform. I want to raise independent, critical thinkers. Also, building self confidence is so important. I think that is what let me down when I was young and why I harbour a lot of anxiety now. My parents never recognised just how lacking in self confidence I was, or if they did, they didn't do anything about it.

Yeah, absolutely. I think that's why I like people who are willing to take a risk and not conform. I know money is important, but money isn't the be all and end all. I would rather be happy in life than depressed in a job I don't enjoy. Too many people think that earning a ton of money is the only thing that's important, when in reality, they will end up making themselves ill from the stress of living in a slave society.

When did you first suffer anxiety?