View Full Version : Shivery feelings

29-03-13, 21:22
I am menopausal and getting hot flushes so it may be connected to a wonky thermostat! but I keep getting that shiver up your back like the saying someone has walked over your grave. I get it even if I am not cold . I always get it if I feel nervous or watching something horrible on tv so I know it can be emotional trigger.

Wondered if anyone else gets the shiver up the back for no reason?

29-03-13, 21:26
I get the shiver quite often, I have always just associated it with my anxiety :hugs:

29-03-13, 21:35
Do you get the shivery feeling many times in a day or is it just once every now and again. I seem to be having days where it drives me mad then okay for a week or so. Its especially bad when I am in bed. thats inbetween the hot flushes!

29-03-13, 21:48
I get it every now and again but at times when I am feeling anxious it happens a lot more.
As you say it could be due to your thermostat too. If it worries you I would mention it to your doctor :hugs: