View Full Version : has anyone felt this way???

29-03-13, 22:37
Lately I can't have even one good day! I am really scared most of the time, right now i don't know what to do with myself.

I feel nauseous but like my nausea is coming from my eyes if this makes sense to anyone! My eyes feel very heavy and strained, it's sickening and my head is dizzy and my forehead feels like my eyes. I've also been feeling like i am just gonna keel over, if i bend down to pick something i fele like falling over.

But the sickening eye feeling is really horrible. I had it before but as I said in my posts lately, i am not coping very well lately. Not that I did cope very well when I had it before. I checked my eyes and they said they are perfect. So what is it? When I ask the doctor and tell him how horrible it makes me feel they just look at me blank and they say they don't know, but it's nothing to worry about! How is that possible really?

I can cause it if i look into something really close or if i read in the car or look on my phone too much in the car. I feel similar after long rides in the car. But sometimes it just comes on it's own. I've been in the house all day. I can't stand it, right now i am even scared to move. Not to talk about going to bed or doing anything. :scared15::weep::weep:

Why can't i feel normal, what is this? Anyone knows what i am talking about?
I am really just fed up with everything!

29-03-13, 22:53
Millie I do know what you are talking about and I was just the same for a while. It is the most awful feeling. You can overcome this though, first you need to accept it, accept that it is anxiety and that you need time to recover. Try not to dwell on the negative feelings. Every time you get a positive, no matter how small, praise yourself for it and focus on it. For me it could have been something like "I made it downstairs for 15 minutes today" There is light at the end of the tunnel. I am so much better now and getting out and about again but there was a time when I thought I would never be well again. :hugs::hugs:

29-03-13, 23:08
Annie, thank you so much for your post and your advice and support. Most of the time I keep it all inside but keep doing everything as normal but more like a zombie. But sometimes I just can't do it anymore.
Did you mean about the anxiety and just being fed and asking why we can't be just normal when you said you know what I'm talking about or my symptoms?

29-03-13, 23:36
I meant the symptoms and how fed up they make you. Honestly there were days when I felt like bashing my head of the wall. The nausea was the worst feeling for me and not wanting to eat. You will get better but you must believe that and keep positive and take baby steps to recovery xx

01-04-13, 21:15
I feel like bashing my head on the wall right now!!!

I am scared, and totally had enough of the fear and myself and the symptoms! The eyes and sickness are so bad tonight, and my head feels horrible, with all in one, the few second lightning pelsing pains as well as the fuzzy tension and the sickening feeling. My eyes argghh i would give anything to know what is the matter with me...
I was in the car today and it did start then a bit, with the motion sickness, but i get the motion thing more in my eyes and head than i feel really sick. But now is much worse. I can't take it anymore, really worried something horrible is wrong with me...

01-04-13, 21:30
Millie, I have the same and have done for.over 5 weeks (this time around). I always feel dizzy even.in bed, I get no rest from it. My eyes ache, it feels like a strain to have to.gocus on something. Ive been convinced this weekend that im going to have a stroke.... Its never endjng and so.so.distressing.

Hope u feel a bit better soon hun. Just wanted u to know I know how u feel.

Charlotte x

03-04-13, 10:11
Charlotte, thanks for your post, how are you coping??

Cause I feel I am losing the plot really!! Last night I was convinced I may have some of those food poisonings u hear on tv cause I had stomach cramps and felt sick and was having on and off pains around my sides and back so that was it, it must be affecting my kidneys. .. This morning I don't even know what I am thinking, it is just something horrible cause I just feel weird like weak and lightheaded and just strange and I have sore throat. Arghhh!! I am at work and I just want to hide in some empty room and scream! We have open door policy so everything is open plan except some rooms you can use for meetings, really not helpful when you feel this way. I still got the pains around my back and sides and the indigestion and cramps, maybe I will just collapse at some point, I just keep thinking that...why am I so messed up???

---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

Add sore throat to that list of symptoms. .. my arms feel weak and my head just feels spaced out and if I walk I feel like I'm all over the place... and the cramps are bad like when you got the runs but I don't just got cramps. .. I mean seriously what else could I start feeling...:lac: :-( :-(